He was not too bad on my opinion, until he forced Ron and Harry to do stuff for Draco bloody Malfoy. I found myself insulting his hair. Which is probably the best I could do because I'm bad at insults, I don't even know how I threatened the git yesterday.

I began to crush the Beetle eyes on the mortar and pestle just as I let the potion boil for 10 minutes. Potions could take my mind off things. For a moment I forgot about everything and everyone around me whilst I crush disgusting Beetle eyes.

I had my mind in cloud nine until I heard someone hissing under their breath and I turned to see Neville struggling with his Potion. I took pity on him because he's said to be terrified of the Potions Professor and something tells me that a cauldron exploding in his face will not help his relationship with Snape so I subtly wrote instructions down and passed it to him.

He began to read the note, followed what I had written down and smiled gratefully at me. I only winked as a response before turning back to my Potions to finish it. I was delighted to know I finished ahead of everyone else and almost jumped when Snape appeared out of nowhere to inspect my potion.

I'm the most confident I did it right and he lifted his eyes to glance at me. He stiffened and I grew uncomfortable under the intensity of his eyes. I took note of how dark and dull they were but for one quick second I saw them brightened up but the light was as quick to die down as it appeared.

"You must be the new student," He spoke slowly and I nodded politely, smiling my sweetest to maybe, just maybe, get on his good side. Potions is my favorite and I don't want it to be taken away from me just because I pissed an old man off. "Tell me your name."

Didn't Dumbledore tell him? "Lily, sir," I answered. "Lily Evans." I added in case I shared a name with someone else again. His already pale face turned paler, if it was even possible and I questioned his health for a moment.

I frowned to show my concern, "Severus," I caught myself impolitely addressing him but thankfully it came out as a whisper. "I mean, sir, are you quiet alright?" he nodded and without another word walked away.

All I could do was frown at my potion in the perfect shade of crimson bubbling away before the class gladly ended.


I walk into D.A.D.A a bit late because I had to use the loo and I grimace at the tall wardrobe rattling violently. I have a few guesses of what kind of creature is inside the wardrobe but kept the thoughts to myself because they are rather unsavory.

I was barely regarded by the Professor with how quiet I moved and I stood beside Harry who questioned where I was. "Calm down HP, I was just using the lavatory." I teased and he narrows his eyes me.

"Don't call me that," he complained but his words were drowned by Professor Lupin's."Intriguing, yes?" Professor Lupin asks. "Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what's inside?"

I lean towards Harry who is still a little annoyed at the nickname I gave him. "That's definitely a Boggart," I stifle a laugh at how clueless he looked.

RED | h.pजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें