Surprise, surprise...

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"Ah..." Jake chuckled, lifting his staff and facing Jack, "I see you've finally come. Just when I was having fun with-"

"Shut up, you dingo-headed bum!"


Jack shot forward and swung his staff at Jake's face. Jake barely had time to register what happened, so he took the impact, fell backward and skidded across the floor. Using the opportunity, Jack bolted towards Elsa and ripped off the shadows binding her. She fell forward with a gasp. Her entire body ached and the shadows seemed to have drained all the energy out of her.

"Snowflake! Snowflake, look at me." Jack lifted her head and patted her cheek. Her eyes were fluttering shut and her legs buckled beneath her. Jack held onto her before she fell.

Rapunzel was healing Flynn while Merida and Hiccup were holding off Jake. Shadows curled  while arrows and plasma blasts flew everywhere. Merida, Hiccup and Toothless were already losing and Jake didn't even seem to break a sweat.

Elsa suddenly flinched as Toothless let out another plasma blast. Her eyes opened but they seemed unfocused. She struggled to one knee, her hair and dress in a mess and her face pale and tired.

"I'm going to teach that...that pervert a lesson..." She croaked, using Jack as support and shakily standing up. A wave of dizziness swam over her and she dropped to her knees again.

"Elsa," Jack put his arms around her waist and helped her away from the fight. It seems Jake didn't like Frost near his queen, so Jack needed to get her away.

"Jack?" Elsa blinked in surprise as if she only noticed him there then, "Y-your here!"

"Yeah," Jack scratched the back of his head and tried to ignore the fact that she had her arms around his neck, "You sure get into a lot of trouble when I'm not around, Snowflake."

He expected Elsa to roll her eyes but a tear ran down her cheek. He was even more taken aback when she buried her face into his shirt and started to sob silently.

"Elsa,what's wrong?" Jack stroked her hair but she didn't reply, "Did something happen?"

Elsa continued to cry. She felt so weak. Harassed. Vandalized. It was a horrible, empty feeling. It made her feel helpless. Like she let him touch her on purpose. And the sounds of Rapunzel crying over Flynn made her feel even more awful.

Jack pulled her away, placed his hands on her shoulders, looking at her tear-stained face, "Did he...did he do something to you?!"

Elsa stared any him with her eyes wide, questions and answers flowing through her brain.

Yeshe did do something...why do I feel guilty about it?...You really shouldn't be here, he might hurt you...I don't want you hurt...But I'm glad your here anyway...really need an Olaf hug... maybe even a Frosty kiss..

"I'm sorry..." Was all she whispered.

"For what?" She heard Jack ask in confusion. Her eyes were closing. The blasts were fading away. Someone was screaming. It sounded like Rapunzel...



A giant shadow fist swung forward and slammed into Merida and Hiccup. They flew backwards, hit the wall and slid down next to each other. Toothless gave a small dragon-shriek and bounded to check if Hiccup was okay.

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