Chapter 17

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John ate another bite of his plum tart, savoring the delicious blend of the sweet fruit and creamy custard. He may have let out a little sound of appreciation even.

Kitty chuckled at his expression as she filled their mugs with tea. "John, there's plenty more if you want."

Shaking his head, he looked back into her blue eyes that were so similar to her brother's. "I'm eating you out of house and home already." He patted his stomach, wondering if he had gained weight since coming up to Manchester from Kitty's good simple meals. Although not as fancy as Mrs. Hudson's, they reminded John of meals his mother made when he was young.

She laughed. "You hardly ate much the first week you were here, so I guess you are making up for it now."

John nodded in agreement. After getting off the stagecoach, he was exhausted and seemed to sleep a lot when he first arrived at Mike's. It was partly due to missing Sherlock as well, but he let his hosts think he was a little ill, just needing some quiet time on his own. Ever since he had spent more time out of bed, Kitty had fussed over him and he enjoyed the attention from the attractive woman.

Mike returned from using the privy and settled back onto his chair, tucking into his dessert. "John, I hope you visit us often. It makes Kitty cook up her best recipes." He shot a teasing glance at his younger sister, and she blushed slightly, looking down.

Glancing quickly at Kitty, John noticed her looking his way again, and gave her a small smile before chatting on with Mike. Her interest in him had been getting more apparent, and he found it flattering. She was a widow about ten years younger than him, with slim curves and an easy laugh.

After the meal, Mike invited him outside. It was a warm, summer night, and they sat in companionable silence on a bench.

Manchester was a large city like London, but its factories dominated the area. The brick buildings had tall chimneys; billowing out fumes from the steam engines inside. Many people had flocked to the northern city for work, resulting in overcrowding and poor conditions.

"John, I know you have a job starting soon in London, but have you thought of staying here instead?" Mike asked, looking closely at his friend. "I can probably put in a good word at the factory."

Giving a small nod in acknowledgement, John gazed out at the city as he pictured what his life could be like here. There was plenty of work, but twelve-hour shifts were common and he doubted his shoulder could handle the strain. "Thanks, Mike, but I think the job in London is a better fit for me."

Mike nudged his shoulder. "But Kitty isn't in London, is she?"

It was the first time he'd said anything so direct about it. John chuckled in response. A few months ago, he would have jumped at a chance to be with such a lovely woman. But somehow now, something was holding him back.

Mike didn't miss the expressions flitting across his friend's face. "Oh...your heart really isn't free to give, is it?" His words were soft, and they made tears prickle in John's eyes.

He blinked fast, trying to hold them back. "It's foolish, I know. I'll be better in time."

Wrapping an arm around John's shoulders, Mike gave him a squeeze. "Well, maybe you can come visit us later." It was pretty obvious he had John in mind to be his brother-in-law, and the idea of belonging to this family certainly had some appeal.

"I'd like that, Mike." John gave his friend a quick hug, before letting go. "I should probably get back to London. I don't want to give Kitty ideas..."

Shaking his head, Mike stood up to face John. "I'll talk to her, don't worry. And you can't leave yet. Henry Hunt is speaking here on Monday! People from all over the area are coming to hear him. You can't miss that."

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