Chapter 6

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John woke up later than normal again, feeling tired still, and knew his thoughts had kept him from sleeping well.

Rolling onto his back, he looked out at the sunny, spring day. The sunshine and greenery seemed to mock his troubles.

Things were so comfortable here. He had a wonderful bed to sleep in, hot baths, clean clothes and regular meals. The company of good people like Donovan, Mrs. Hudson and Molly. Knowing his days would be full of pleasant activities like reading, learning to ride, walks in pretty parks and music.

He had adjusted easily to living this way the past month. Was he really so willing to give it all up for his principles? He could have another two months here, leave with cash in his pocket and a chance for a better future. If he left now, he would be lucky to have the clothes on his back.

Would it really be so hard to ignore what Sherlock got up to in the dark? Was what Sherlock was doing truly all that bad, especially when compared to the crimes happening all over the city? Was it a victimless crime, or even truly a crime at all?

Sherlock. John sighed and stared up at the ceiling as he considered the man he had been living with. Every day, he found himself looking at the man in wonder, uncovering a new facet that made him truly unique. Such a blend of knowledge from books, his education and his observations of the world, contrasted with his blindness of such obvious things like Donovan and Molly. The way he spurned the dictates of society so often, but still wore his new clothes with such ease. How he could be so disdainful towards Anderson, a rich man of his class, and yet treat his staff and John with such respect. The way his eyes glowed and sought John's when he was amused.

Sighing, John felt no closer to knowing what to do next. He washed and dressed, thumping his way down the stairs, feeling in a surly mood.

Sherlock eyes quickly scanned him as he entered the dining room, and he wisely only nodded at him, pouring him a coffee. John heaped jam onto some toast and buried himself in the newspapers as he ate.

The sound of a throat clearing made John lower his paper. He arched an eyebrow inquiringly.

"Um...I just wanted to remind you that we are going to the theatre this afternoon with Molly. Donovan will make sure you are dressed appropriately for it." Sherlock said quickly, toying with the edge of his napkin.

John sighed, nodding. He had almost forgotten. It was to see a Shakespearean comedy, and the idea of sitting through it sounded akin to torture in his present state of mind. But it was all part of his training for the wager, now starting to do more outings into society to get comfortable with polite small talk and how to act in a variety of situations.

"Fine. I will go for a walk and be ready when she arrives." John said softly, before abandoning the rest of his meal.


"Have you ever read the play or seen it performed before?" Molly asked, likely sensing the tension between the two men and seeking to lighten it.

John looked away from the window of her coach, and smiled at the pretty young woman. She was dressed today in an aqua gown that set off her dark hair perfectly. "I'm not that familiar with Shakespeare. My schooling concentrated on basic reading, arithmetic and history."

"Well, 'Twelfth Night' is probably a good introduction to his work. It's a comedy about twins who are separated in a shipwreck, thinking the other has died." Molly's dark eyes held John's, talking earnestly, her love of the arts showing clearly.

Sherlock scoffed. "Shipwrecks and death. Sounds hilarious already."

Rolling her eyes at the brat, Molly continued. "Viola decides it's safer to dress as a man while she figures out what to do next, and becomes an attendant to the Duke Orsino."

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