Chapter 12

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John's fingers played along bottom of Sherlock's waistcoat, working underneath and touching his shirt. Below that thin barrier, he could feel how warm his body was. What would it be like to have this man naked and spread out before him on a bed? Skin completely accessible to John's exploring hands and mouth? He groaned at the thought, imagining kissing along his stomach, cupping his hips with his hands.

Needing more, he tugged upwards at the material of the shirt. He felt a surge of success when the hem of the linen came free of his trousers, and John could work his hand through that opening. There, bare skin against his questing fingertips, warm and smooth. He traced small patterns over that patch of skin, imagining doing it with the tip of his tongue instead.

"John...," Sherlock groaned softly. "Are you watching the flat at all?"

Grinning in the dark, John leaned in to whisper in the taller man's ear. "No, I thought we could take turns. This way, it's not as boring, is it?" His fingers dipped downwards, stroking over skin below Sherlock's waistband.

It was the third night staking out the flat. Long hours tucked close together in their alcove, watching the street and for signs of activity from the flat. It was their best chance to catch Bishops and Williams in the act, but extremely boring. John was just trying to liven things up a little.

"I'm just helping you stay awake while you watch. This isn't too distracting, is it?" John asked innocently, curling his fingers so his nails scratched lightly over Sherlock's skin.

Closing his eyes briefly in reaction, Sherlock opened them and looked steadfastly towards their quarry. "No, not at all." The roughened quality in his hushed tone made a lie of his words.

John accepted the unspoken challenge, determined now to keep up his subtle caresses until Sherlock admitted to being distracted. It couldn't be anything overt, like undoing the falls of his trousers or unbuttoning his drawers. Someone could peer into their alcove while passing by, and they couldn't raise any notice. Plus, they had to be ready to pursue their subjects the instant something happened.

His whole hand was now against Sherlock's bare back, pressing possessively over the larger area, claiming it with his touch. Sherlock was slim, but it was arousing to feel the way the flatness at his waist began to curve when John slid his fingers down as far as the constraints of the clothing allowed. He could imagine tracing over the pleasing roundness of Sherlock's ass. He had admired it often enough when Sherlock had his tailcoat off. Tight breeches or pantaloons did nothing to hide his shape.

John couldn't get enough, exploring the small of Sherlock's back, his hands stroking over his bare, warm skin, his mind filling in the pieces of his imagination. Lost himself completely in it, knowing they had hours.

He was startled out of his sensual haze by a ragged sigh from Sherlock. "Enough, enough." Sherlock was moving away, and John pulled his hand out of his clothes.

"It's you turn to watch, and my turn to play." Sherlock drawled, shifting John to stand in front of him, facing towards the flat.

John smirked to himself, and settled into his watching stance, scanning the area. But a part of him was still very aware of Sherlock standing so close.

His long coat had a slit up the back for riding, and he stilled when he felt Sherlock pull the sides apart and press against him firmly. He must have undone a few of the lower buttons of his own coat, since didn't feel like there was bulky material between them. It was confirmed when Sherlock shifted against him, nudging him.

John gasped, trying to be quiet, but still shocked. Sherlock was aroused, and not inhibited in rubbing against John. He knew that only the thin material of their drawers and trousers separated them, and it let him feel Sherlock's heat. It was the first time he had felt another man against him like this. Even the other times they had kissed, they hadn't pressed their pelvises close. It was deliciously dirty, and John was completely aroused by it. Aching and breathless.

Human Nature (Johnlock Historical)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora