Meeting The Rest: SURPRISE Chapter

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Heiwa's POV

I've been in Konoha for five days. A very long boring five days. I have nothing to do here, Sakura locks me in the house when she is out with her friends- whom I haven't seen. I'm starting to think that she actually doesn't have any friends. Of course I only know Naruto but I doubt that there are others.

All I do is sit, sleep (not that I mind but I'm having really bad nightmares), and eat. Okay I won't call what Sakura serves as edible but I guess that you get what you get and you don't get upset.

Naruto comes to visit me once in awhile, and he always manages to sneak in some proper food for me. He's the best actually. So bright and always making me smile and laugh, he makes stupid jokes and that dumb sexy jutus for his. I won't lie, Naruto looks better as girl than a boy, I swear it.

It's 19:40. Why you still awake?

Ah, how can I forget my beautiful...
Wait, what exactly do I can this guy? My protector? My wolf? My dad's crazy friend who doesn't shut up and is hell bent on irritating me?

Yeah the last one sounds about right.

You back in my day, kids slept at sunset to sunrise-

"If you haven't noticed, this isn't your days. Now shut up!"

"I didn't even say anything yet," a voice defends. I watch as blonde hair enters into my temporary room, he gives me a warm yet cautious smile. "You are talking to yourself now?"

I shrug and make space for him on the bed, "Well, when you eat Sakura's food for five days it does something to you." He laughs which makes me smile.

Suddenly he squeals, like he actually literally squeals my ears off. He pulls me off the bed with an overly excited grin, "Get the fuck up and get dressed! You and me will be meeting the rest!"

I stare at him for two minutes while he keeps on bouncing on the heels of his feet. "Naruto." He looks at me expectedly,  "get the fuck out of my room and come back when the drugs you have taken wears off." His jaws hit the ground in shock, he quickly recovers and tries to make an excuse but I'm already pushing him out the door.

"No no. Heiwa wait," he whines and grabs my arms, "I want you to meet my friends. We all have a day off so I thought you would want to.." he trails off. I meet his blue eyes, and he looks really hopeful. I don't want to destroy it but,

"You don't expect me to believe that you actually want me near your friends. Naruto," he places a finger on my lips to stop me from continuing.

"I know. You don't like people that much but come on Heiwa! Can you at least try to make the time your spent here a memorable one? Please, for me?" He gives me the puppy eyes with a pout and I crash.

"Ugh, fine!" I throw my hands up in defeat. I doubt anyone can say no to Naruto's cute face, so I'm not going to be deemed weak. He does a happy dance- which is just him wiggling his ass around- before hugging the life out of me. "Keep on touching me, I'll refuse and drown you in your own blood." I threaten with a glare at the wall.

He immediately lets go of me with his hands raised up in surrender. "Sorry. I'll let you change out of those savage clothes." He walks out of my room with a peace sign. I look down at my clothes, it wasn't savage but not presentable either. Just a ripped shirt and dirty pants...

You not actually going to go, are you?

'Why not? It could be fun.'

He doesn't answer me which makes me think that's he's upset now, something I've noticed about Baka that he is rather very protective of me; that he takes his job as my protector very seriously. I don't see the need for him to worry though, I can look after myself.

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