The Date: SURPRISE Chapter

974 19 12

Baka's POV

Today's the day, the day your dear Baka dies.

No seriously, if looks could kill Shisui's would have murdered me since yesterday. It's not like I took his wife, thank holy heavens, it's not like I'm planning on getting his daughter pregnant ( not yet) and it's not like I'll kidnap her or something, okay I'll admit I'm definitely considering the last one.

"Rule number 20," he's not going to shut up anytime soon, "don't touch. ANYTHING. If I find even a print on her skin, I'll smack you senseless-"

"You already talking me senseless, what's the use?" I resort back.

But Shisui ignores me, "Rule number 21, you shall not take her out to a bar."

"Well, now I have to look for another venue then." I tease with with an eye roll.

"Minako?! Did you hear that?! Nope, I'm cancelling the date. Stay home."

Minako's head pops out from the kitchen, "yes. I heard the sarcasm in his voice!"

Shisui shakes his head, "I don't know what you talking about."

Minako glares as Shisui talks my ears off with useless rules. I've been waiting for the this date since last year now this damn Uchiha is trying to make me back off, kinda pisses me off.

I won't treat Sukida like shit, I honestly really like her. She's amazing, her dimpled smile, the way her dark eyes light up when the sun hits it just right. Her flame red hair burning through my chest... That's so many things that I lo- like about her so I won't let this moment pass.

"Rule number 40," how the fuck did he get there, and why does he have so many of those damn rules?!

"Talk once more, Shisui. I dare you. Talk." Minako threateningly holds up a wooden spoon, Shisui opens his mouth just then the door to Sukida's room finally opens.

Finally sunshine! You dad was about to be spooned to death-

Fuck me...
Was it possible for a beautiful girl to be even more beautiful? I mean-

She smiles at me, oh my goodness she smiled at me! My heart is about to explode, my stomach is floating, my cheeks have been invited to the flames of hell. Why is she so beautiful?!

Her hair is flowing down in all its flaming wavy glory, her bangs are just above her eyes. God her eyes, so enchanting, they look into my soul as if longing for me...or at least that's what I hope they doing. Then you get her lips, naturally pink and all the way kissable...

But what catches my eye is the dress she's wearing. I repeat! The Uchiha Heiwa Sukida we all know is wearing a dress!!!

Nothing too much just a simple light blue sundress ending just above her knees, which makes her even more gorgeous! Damn, look at her slim waist, her collar bone is exposed for all to see and I can totally see her cleavage... It's going be hard not to touch her.

"Hey! Stop staring." Shisui smacks my head. Why does he have to kill my mood?!

"I wasn't staring! I am just simply admiring this perfection of a lady." I wink at Sukida and she blushes. Minako gives me a thumbs up, believe it or not ( I don't really care) I asked her for some advice on how to make this date a memorable experience for Heiwa. She deserves nothing less.

"T-thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." She gives me a dimpled smile and my knees nearly melt away.

Looking down at my outfit, I shrug. I'm wearing nothing more than black pants, a long sleeve white sheet and a red jacket on top. You see? Nothing special. But I'm sure I look hot as fuck, I mean have you seen my face? Ladies leave their men because they want some Baka in them...

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