Chapter 32: When She Grows: Part 2

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Shisui's POV

We said nothing to each other as we ran to find out where Minako is. My heart is beating in my chest with anxiety.

I can hear kunais crashing together and footsteps with a lot of talking, I'm just going to assume that's it's the ninjas Heiwa and the weird boy came with. That blue haired kid remembers me of someone but I can't put my finger on it... Oh who am I kidding?!

Of course I know who the boy is! Its Baka and if he thinks I don't know that then he's a bigger idiot than I named him to be. I knew it was him when he nearly called my moonlight a bitch and I felt that strong irritating pull I always feel when I'm with him.

Just why did he and Heiwa look like a couple who are about to break up? God, I hope he didn't make her catch feelings, oh God forbid such a curse. And why did he solidify? He better not be up to something! Anyway right now all I want to do is find my love and kick Orochimaru's ass.

"I swear to... Fuck off!" Baka and Heiwa stop with him glaring at her. Heiwa shakes her head,

"I think you should tell him! He needs to know!" She shouts.

"Bitch, he doesn't need to know shit and if you keep talking about this. I'll leave." He threatens. I don't think they know I'm still here, I feel like a third wheel...

"Oh like anyone cares where you end up!" This causes him to flinch, "all you care about is yourself and you big ass ego."

"I'm helping you like you wanted,"

"You helped because you got jealous of Kakashi," who? "I don't know why I even wanted you here! All you do is argue with everyone who want to help me! You act like the bloody world rotates around you, while news flash moron. It doesn't!" She's really mad now and they are inches part from each other. And Baka is fuming!

"And you think I give a shit? I'll love to be anywhere but near you and your family, yet here I am, sticking my ass out for fools! If it wasn't for me needing a body, I wouldn't be here with an annoying, over-bearing and worthless bitch!" Oh SNAP.

I think I should stop this before it gets out of hand. Heiwa's face falls and tears blur into her eyes, Baka probably realizes what he just because he tries to touch her but she backs away from him.

"I don't know why I like you anyway," she whispers or tried to but we heard her. I am shocked! And Baka looks happy then guilty. What kind of like does she mean? The like that friends use or the other one?

That when I decide to step forward because before you know it they have a confession and start kissing! Not a sight I'm willing to witness while I'm still alive. "Okay! You two shut up and keep running. I don't know what is going on between you and him, and God knows I don't wanna know, so come on!" They didn't have time to reply because I drag both of them with me.

I can feeling them eyeing each other as if I'm not here! Baka better be prepared for a war because damn when we get out of here, I'm killing him.

"Shisui!" I snap my head upwards to see Sasuke. Shit I forgot about him...
I smile and come to a stop. Act like you came looking for him. Act like you came looking for him...

"Sasuke! I've been looking for you everywhere," lies!

"I thought we were looking for mom-" I cover Heiwa's mouth with my hand, silently telling her to shut up!

Sasuke looks at her warily with a frown, "okay? Anyway we need to find Orochimaru. I went looking for him in his room but he's not there."

I look at him with a sad smile, "I have to find Minako first. I'll come help you as soon as we find her." Sasuke looks at me from head to toe which makes me feel self-conscious.

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