Chapter 16: Welcome...To Where Now?!

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Hello my murderers, hope you all have forgiven me for the last chapter. Anyway just wanted to tell you that from now on its all Heiwa's POV !! So hope you enjoy.



Do you know that one moment when you seem to hate all your past  choices, when you realize that reality is a bitch, when you just want to restart your life, undo all your horrible decisions? That's me right now.

My head is pounding at an alarming rate, my eyes hurt to a point where closing them makes me yelp in agony, they are so blurred that I got smacked by a number branches on my freaking face and it left a quite large amount of bruises. And you know that worst part of it all? That thing won't shut the hell up! It'll talk about how my father has mistreated him, all the headaches he has went through ever since he protected my dad. But I'm pretty damn sure that my daddy was the one who suffered the most.

Ugh. And then he decided to transport me into you. I mean really? Why even bother when you're about to die anyway.

Its been hours and every time I fall asleep and wake up again, he is telling another story. I can't... I'll jump off a cliff if he continues.

You know the worst part? He said thank to me for being his 'best friend', which by the fucking way made me feel worse.

'Will you ever shut up?!'

Oh, I see how it is. Blame Baka for trying to be a nice uncle.

'I have only one uncle. His name is-'

Yeah yeah, I know Itachi Uchiha. I've heard you say that since birth and I'm getting sick of it.

'And I generally don't care'

Just like your parents- disrespectful brats. Back in my day...

And here we go again.

I cover my face into the black fur, I feel so drained out. I wish I was back with my clan and family, they always know what to do when I don't feel good.

My dad would make sure that I'm tucked into my sleeping bag, my mom makes hot chicken soup, my grandparents would stop every plan they had so I had everyone's undivided attention. They'll buy dangos as soon as I got better and the best parts was my papa's sweet stories.

I didn't even notice that I was crying again and we had come into a stop into of a large gate entrance. I look up and try to read the words but my vision backstabs me.

"Hey, you there!" I didn't even notice people guarding it. I tried getting of the wolf, I succeeded for a second before falling flat on my face.

"Ugh...stupid legs," I mumble as I tried to get of the ground.  I stand up with wobbling legs, trying to take a step towards them but as expected I fall but this time not on the dirty ground but into strong steady arms.

I look up at him with a dimpled smile,"Thank you, sir," he returned the smile for a second before his face turns into a horrified frown and I'm guessing from shock, he drops me onto the ground.

"What the hell!" He yells but for his response I give him a growl, really you are such the gentleman. His  buddy run up to us.

"What's wro-" he stops mid sentence when our eyes met, he looks like he just saw a shark, a blue berry and a pineapple make a baby. I'm sure am not a sharblu-apple. "What the heavens? It can't be true..." What can't be true?

I feel the same pounding on the back of my eyes, its getting dizzy and my body may lose balance, "I-i... My parents... Help.," they only stared at me with wide eyes.

"Call Kakashi! Right now!" One of them yelled. Kakashi? Why does that sound familiar... I couldn't register anything because before I know it am swinging with unbalance and ending up face first on the ground...again.


So yeah... That happened. Anyway I hoped u enjoyed the filler chapter, I'll try to update more.

Ugghh, high school is gonna be the death of me. Having to see ppl u don't like (not u Senpai n sugar plum.. I love u lots). Just tired n stuff...but anyway, yeah.

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Arigato ^~^

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