Epilogue: Peace, Love and Happiness

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('∩。• ᵕ •。∩')

Third Person POV

It's a rather cold snowy day for such emotion to be born, but being happy doesn't really have a particular season, it's just like the rain. It comes when you need it; when you least expect it; and pours when predicted.

Of course when Shisui told this to his daughter, she laughed in his face like he knew she would. But little did he know that she would spread his words through town- making many believe that those were her words and she was wise.

It's been a long one year for this family:

After the talk with Itachi, that they both seriously needed, Shisui, Minako, Heiwa and Baka moved into a new town- near Konoha of course- to start a new fresh beginning for themselves.

Baka had sworn that he wouldn't only protect Heiwa but also the Uchiha couple because now that he belongs in a family, he wouldn't allow anyone to hurt them. He also tries to make some friends- thanks to Heiwa forcing him- without directly insulting them. Even to his displeasure sometimes, he is used as a tracking dog- in his words. Konoha and the Uchiha family force him to help when they can't find anyone, he kept explaining to them that he needs to know the asshole he was tracking to actually find them. But knowing Konoha, they always have something connected to the suspect, much to his confusion.

Heiwa still goes to missions with Team 7 but only when she is needed, her bonds with the village and it's people have not broken. Sasuke and her still message each other,at least twice a week, without anyone knowing. Baka and Shisui had their suspension but decided that she would explain everything when she wanted to, of course that didn't stop Baka from being a nosy piece of shit who asked questions every week of why she always locks herself in her room and talks to herself. Her sharingan has become a force to reckon with just like her father's used to be.

Shisui started training to use his sharingan, again, to prepare himself for whatever may be heading their way. With the Akatsuki growing stronger, more active and known, he needs to be able to protect those he holds dear. Nothing was new for him, he and Itachi had gone their separate ways, both being very happy with how their conversation had gone. Even though losing his best friend was heartbreaking- he cried for at least a week- he bounced back up, keeping tabs on Sasuke and his team.

Minako, well she was being herself. Trying to help everyone in sight, who exactly needed help. Sakura had offered to give her a job in Konoha but that meant that Shisui would be exposed and she didn't want that. So she helps Konoha, medically, any how she can. Orochimaru's experiment had done a permanent damage; she randomly faints, nothing too horrible just her passing out after a few days... Shisui had been terrified when it first happened but she was okay,

Yes, a lot has happened throughout this one year and a lot is still happening, such as Minako giving birth right now. Nothing more enchanting like second birth:

They walk to the town clinic with a heavy panting Minako, a panicking Shisui, an excited Heiwa and obviously a pissed off Baka who just had to be woken up at 02:00AM by screaming, not from Minako but Shisui.

It is still dark in the quiet town. The full moon shining with a white silver colour producing light for them. It would have been a normal night if it wasn't snowing.

The clinic comes into view and they rush towards it, Heiwa stops for a minute to pick up a handful of snow, rolling it on her bare hands.

Snow... Score! She thinks with a evil smile, even though the Uchiha heiress was fifteen years old she didn't stop being a complete child.

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