Chapter 25: The Truth part 2

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Time to confess all your sins! This chapter is longer than some but for a good reason, please read this for some spilled tea. Read the message below, its very very very important 😯


He hasnt spoken to me in a week, its not like me and Kakashi are friends but Baka is too stubborn to notice that. Maybe I went to far but that doesn't mean my 'uncle' shouldn't talk to me.

As much as I would hate to say this, I miss Baka's stupid comments and his company, he hates me now and it isn't fair. I did nothing wrong! Other than forget what I came here for and ignore him most of the time.

On another note Kakashi and I have a weird bond thing going on, we don't hate each other that much anymore but we still argue more than Naruto and Sakura. We met up to train everyday, we tease each other while sparring, he teaches me how to control the sharingan- because apparently he had a sharingan on his right eye and he was the one who trained Sasuke to be perfect- and helps me learn new jutus my dad didn't know, and after we finish training we met up with pinkie and blondie. When I found out he had a sharingan it made us a lot closer than before.

I beat him almost everyday, even with his own jutus. He thinks I'm ready to go to the mission so tomorrow we going to Dirty Tsunade's office to tell her we can go and rescue my parents.

Right now mask face is teaching me the final steps on how to create an Earth style: mad wall, which by the way am nailing!

"What that on your wrists?" maskie asks while I'm trying to do hand signs. I look down on my wrists to see the weights that my dad got me.

"Oh it's just my weights. Why?" I ask.

"When did you get them?!"

"My dad brought them for me on my sixth birthday, I've had them on ever since. They were hard to us- specially the ones on my ankles- but I got used to them over the years! Dad helped with that." I noticed that his face paled while I talked. Did I say something wrong?

"You've had them on this whole time we were training?!" his eyes are wide with shock.

"Uhm yeah. Why? Should I take them off? Will it be easier that way?" I don't think I can fight without my weights, I've been using them for years if i take them off now it would feel wrong.

"No! Keep them on! If you take them off you might kill me, " he whispers the last part but i still heard it and that makes me smirk.

"Did you seriously not see them?" i ask still smirking.

"Of course not! You are always wearing long sleeve shirts." yeah that makes sense even though its hot in Konoha i love my long sleeves.

"Yeah but i have the ones on my ankles. How didn't you see that?" we taking side tracked but i don't mind.

"What? It's not like i look at your legs all day." he huffs.

"But you look at me from head to toe before we start training?!"

"You make it sound like i was checking you out. Plus i didn't see them anyway." he turns away from me, "now continue the hand signs."

I didnt say he was checking me out, but he should have noticed the weights maybe he is just a blind dumbass. Shrugging it off i repeat the hands signs, when i finished it i slam my hands on the ground and yelled "Earth style: Mad wall"

"Remember to aim it away from me!" yells Kakashi but it was too late, the next thing i know is that the ground is shaking and a wall appears below him and sends him falling. Shit. I hear a splash which means he landed two miles away where the river is.

The Living WaterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz