Chapter 21: You Don't Look Like One

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Hiya!!! How many of my nekos missed me? I missed Y'all and my book. While I was away all I could think about was this book and of course the exams... I'm back and ready to roll


Drip drip drop

That's either the sound of the tap water or my tears hitting the filled tub. Sakura and I arrived at her house about two days ago, I had eaten and slept through those two days but now I had to go bath but I've been in here for one-hour sulking. My tears fall into the water again as I choke on a sob right before there's a knock on the door.

"Heiwa? What's taking you so long?" Pinkie calls but I don't answer and just sniff.

Come on. Stop Crying

'I miss my parents. I don't wanna be here Baka'

I know but we need their help right? Everything is fine, we'll be okay.

'Yeah. Okay.'

I get out the bathtub and round a towel around my body, I unlock the door to see Sakura with clothes in her arms. Shrugging her off I grab them and run off into her room.

The clothes weren't much other than a plain red shirt and black shorts. Not really wanting to complain I pulled them on and run my hands through my flame hair. Walking towards the mirror to see that my face is pale, my eyes and cheeks red and my hair a mess.

"Hey," she began as she walked into the room, " a friend of mine just came back to the village. I wanted to go see him, you want to come?" I want to snap at her and ask why her Hokage wasn't doing anything about my parents, why wasn't I allowed to leave and look for them but I am not in the mood to yell.

"No, I'll stay here." My voice sounds hoarse probably because of all the crying.

"Oh come on Heiwa. You need the fresh air and the sun's heat, you look like crap." She reasons obviously already deciding my fate. She grabs a hairbrush and gentle combs through my hair. "You might like him, my friend, he's an Uzumaki. The only difference is that he's an idiot."

My eyes widen I thought all the Uzumaki had been wrapped out or kidnapped, I wanted to ask more about this friend of hers but decided it would be better if I see him myself. She finished with my hair grabs me by my arms and drags me outside.

I hiss and shield my face from the sun's light, it's so blinding. Sakura didn't even notice my reaction as she drags me towards the loud chatter of people. Today is sunny no clouds in sight, the birds are over chippy, people seem to be laughing too loud, but sadly my mood wasn't like theirs.

My parents are missing, am in a village I don't want to be in at this moment, the Hokage is too useless to even let me go. I haven't heard anything being done about it, for all I may know my parents could be dead! No, no I can't think like that because I'll start crying again and I need to be strong. No darkness lasts forever, my parents are lights flash away until I see them. No more negative thoughts...

"Hello! Is your friend okay? She looks lost" I blink my eyes to see that I and Pinkie had stopped in front of an overhyped blonde.

"Yeah. She's okay" Sakura smiles at me which I surprisedly returned. I return my eyes to Mr. Hyper Blonde, his blonde hair looks almost yellow but golden and its styled into spikes. He has sky blue eyes that I think I got lost in seeing that they were like the sea. He had three whiskers on both sides of his cheeks, and a Leaf headband on his forehead.

"Why she staring at me like that? It's kinda creepy," Blondie's says as he hides behind Sakura who shoves him towards me.

"Hewie this is Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto this is Heiwa Uchiha," Sakura introduces and his eyes widen.

"He doesn't look like an Uzumaki," I state.

"Yeah, and you don't look like an Uchiha. How do you even know what an Uzumaki is supposed to look like? Huh?!" He crosses his arms with an offended look.

"Because all Uzumaki have red hair. Am half Uzumaki and Uchiha." He uncrosses his arms.

"Ain't you suppose to be like...dead or something." Sakura is right, Blondie is an idiot.

"Yes, actually but I'm a ghost don't tell anyone," I whisper and he runs behind Sakura and pushes her forward.

"No, you can have Sakura. I like living!" And I burst out laughing for the first time since I got to this bloody village.

"Naruto you idiot! She's not a ghost!" Sakura yells.

"But she's so pale."

"She just needs sunlight. She's been inside my house for two days!"

"No! She needs holy water! She's an evil spirit!"

My word! Shut him up before I do

'Nuh, leave him alone. I like him and his stupidity.'

Yeah but there's something off about him. I can't put my finger on it though.

I ignore him because Baka is wary about everyone I like.

"Sasuke was pale too but you didn't call him evil or a ghost!" I turn my head towards them to notice how they both tense.

"Oh yeah that reminds me, do you know where my cousin is? I wanna see him" my eyes light up.

I forgot that my big brother was in this village, I can't wait to see him in person then maybe me and him can look for my parents and Itachi together! It'll be so cool not to be the only Uchiha right now.

They both don't answer so I huff, "What is it?" They both so tense and sad, upset and Sakura looks heartbroken while Naruto looks a bit depressed and pissed.

For everything holy he better not be dead, "Don't worry about him. He left the village but he'll come back later," Naruto says with a weird too bright smile and I end up smiling at him too.

"You said he was your cousin?" Sakura says while we begin to walk.

"Yeah! My dad and Itachi were like super best friends so that technically made him family. My dad says Sasuke is more like my big brother in a way." I explain with a smile. "How do you know my big brother?"

"Oh, we were teammates and friends. It was me, Naruto and Sasuke in with Kakashi-sense" Sakura said with a somewhat sad tone.

"But I was more important though. I and Sasuke are best friends. Forever will be" Naruto shines.

"Oh, so Sakura is his girlfriend then? That means we are in-laws," I stop and face her with a serious face, "You better treat my big brother right or else I'll dump your body into the river."  She stiffens but I don't think it because of the threat.

Blushing she says, "I'm not his girlfriend! I don't like him, at least not anymore," she whispers the last part but I still heard her. I narrow my eyes at her but nod.

Something happened here and I'm curious to find out what...

Seriously this Naruto kid has a dark side to him. I can sense it.

'No way. He's to sunshiny to have a dark side.'

"So where are we heading Heiwa?" Naruto asks since I suddenly took the lead.

"We going to pay Lady Tsunade a quick dangerous visit."


I turned 15 this month. It wasn't anything special since almost EVERYONE forgot about it but hey what you gonna do.

Anyway~my first chapter since I was gone, how was it? Nothing horrible I hope. But I do fear for the Hokage a tiny bit because a shitstrom is about to hit her office.

Love ya nekos~

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