Chapter 27: Mission Is A Go

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Sorry for the late update.


Heiwa's POV

"Oh my Kami-sama!" Someone with a high pitched voice screeches.

I open my eyes to meet Sakura's panicked ones, "What is so scary that you're waking me up for?" I ask with a yawn.

"Why are you not panicking!?"

"Why are you yelling?" I sit up my bed and rub my eyes.

"There is literally a stranger in your bed and you so calm!" I feel something shift beside me and I look at it to see Baka.

Shit! Why is he still here?!

"O-oh well..."

"Nevermind, I'll get rid of it." She picks up my shoe on the floor and tip toes towards him.

'Baka?! Red alert!'

Fuck off and let me sleep.

'Dude seriously! Sakura has my shoe!'

Oh no. Where you by the way, come back and cuddle with me.

He shifts closer me and draps his arm over my waist. I watch as Sakura moves closer to him and raises my shoe over his head. And just like that my shoe slams onto his head and his eyes widen.

"Fuck! Ow!!!" He yells and jumps off bed with his head in his hands.

"Now, Heiwa! Run!" Sakura yells but I'm too busy laughing as Baka runs his hands furiously over his head muttering curse words.

"Bitch!" He says and turns to Sakura with the reddest I've ever seen in my laugh which makes me laugh even more.

"Ah, excuse me but you can't come into my house and swear at me!" Sakura yells.

"I can go anywhere I want to! And I call you as I see fit!"

"Don't be an asshole! You don't sneak into people's houses and try to rape young girls!"

"Why would I want to rape you?! You're as flat as a pancake and totally not my type! In fact your no one's type!" My lips make an 'O' shape as I try to control my laughter by biting onto my lip.

Sakura's face is as red as a tomato, "F-fuck you!"

"Oh look it can swear!"

"You can't just try to rape Heiwa with your small sorry excuse of a dick! She deserves better!" My eyes widen and I slap my hand over my mouth to stop my laughs.

Baka looks pissed, "What?! You wanna see how big my dick is?!" He trys to pull his pants down.

"Jeez, no thank you! Didn't your mom ever tell you not to go around and show your microscopic penis to anyone." BURN!

"You just saying that to cover up that no one can wants to see your mosquito bites for boobs!" YIKES!

"The ones you can't get!"

"The ones I don't want!"

"Dickless asshole!"

"Boobless forehead!"

"My forehead is unique!"

"Because of how wide it is! I've heard of miracles but its a mystery on how hard you were dropped on your forehead for that to happen!"

"Dad said it was a mistake!"

"What was? Your chest? Your forehead? Or you?!"

Okay this wasn't funny anymore it was just getting sad. Sakura yells and pounces on Baka who yelps and they both land on the floor.

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