Once Upon A Night

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Fit look^^

Let's finish this......

It's been months since I seen Erik, and months since I spoke to him as well. He when he first left he would call me any time he could. Which was daily, whether it was morning or night I got a call from him. That was 6 months ago. Erik's been gone for a total of 11 months close to a year now.

During the first 5 months of his travels he'd call me but then suddenly stopped and I feared the worse. He could be crippled, dead or even lost without any type of hope to get back to me.

Now 6 months later I haven't gotten not one little ounce of anything from neither him or T'Challa. They both were off the grid, not doing anything. Which scared me for life, I needed to know where my husband was. If he was safe or not but the part that hurt he worse was that I couldn't figure it out. I can't leave my kids, and I won't leave them.

They have been suffering just as much as I have, and they took it harder.

For months I have been asked, "Mama, where is Baba? I miss him". Derrick spoke. I couldn't tell him the truth. So I had to tell him a lie according to the month we were currently in.

"Baby he's working with Santa, getting toys to the world". It was December, early December. Christmas time, and Erik should have been with my family but I was only with my kids which was my family. I did early Christmas shopping before the month of December. All shopping done Early Black Friday money before anyone was allowed in the shop.

That Princess title was good, I was allowed to go into the store alone and nobody else was allowed in until I was done. Which guaranteed me getting the things for my kids. All the items were wrapped up in the wrapping paper and the tree was already set up, with the help of W'Kabi. He came over with Okoye to help me out since the king and Prince were both gone.

Okoye hasn't even heard anything from either of them either. She blames herself for letting the King go off without her. She felt as if even though he told her not to go, that she should have went anyways.

But he told her that Wakanda needed her while he was away, she should have listened to her instinct that he needed her more. Nothing less I was glad to have her here, she was my protection, and I needed a girl to compensate with.

I would always cry myself to sleep at night, tonight was one of those nights. Eventually I would have to stop that, but I couldn't do soon.

Erik had even missed Khari's birthday, the 2 year old had to turn two without her father. But at least she was able to see his face. Her birthday was back when he was calling on the daily.

They had a cute little father daughter talk, and it seemed as if he planned to be gone long because the Dora delivered a gift for her on the day of her birth. A little mini kitchen set that Erik had previously heard her mention she wanted many times.

The wrapping paper with they words 'Love Daddy' on it. Khari was happy to have received something her father has touched. She craved her father just as much as it did. She missed his bear hugs, the way he'd toss her in the air and pretend like he wasn't going to catch her then crouch on his knees and catch her the last second. He never failed to catch his babygirl.

Thinking around that day had me sitting in front of the fireplace, with soft silent tears running down my face.

"You okay Mommy?" I turned and seen the sight of my 2 year old, who now only walks.

"Yeah, Mommy is fine". I lied but she didn't need my weight on her fragile shoulders.

"Hugs?". She opened her arms out wide, hoping that I'd accept her invitation.

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