Living My Best Life

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Egypt's POV (2.4k words)

Egypt's FIT ^

4 years later

"ERIK! DON'T BE TAKING MY BABY TO FAR OUT IN THAT WATER!" I yelled making sure he didn't drop my baby.

Derrick was turning 5 it was his 5th birthday today. He was living his best life as a little 5 year old. And I couldn't blame him, being 5 without any responsibilities and not even going to actual school.

Erik actually hired a personal tutor to come to the house 4 times a week for Derrick.

"Khari! Come here". I spoke to the little girl, she crawled over to me. I was sitting on the warm sand of the beach. My bum cheeks being warmed by the sand. The little 7 month old baby crawled over towards me. Her hands being laid in my lap, as she tried to stand.

She was too little to be standing but it was adorable to watch her try. "You such a cute little thing".

Yeah, that's correct. Erik knocked me up again, and it happened like this.

Flash back

"Erik, can you not". I spoke as I was laying in bed, I was trying to relax with him for once. Derrick was out with Paige as she wanted to take him to see this new movie they were watching with their own kids.

Erik couldn't keep his hands off me, it was late. About 8:30 at night. I just wanted to cuddle with him, but he had other things in mind.

He always horny, but I knew that.

"Erik". I whined as he started rubbing and kneading my ass, as I laid on his chest. He knew I liked that, and was using it to my advantage.

My ass can trigger two emotions from me, sexual horny attitude or can help me fall asleep. Right now Erik wasn't trying to put me to sleep, he wasn't rubbing soft enough for that. He was gripping my shit, and smacking it hard. Multiple smacks after a while I felt as if I was getting a whoppin. But it was from Erik which made it enjoyable.

"Erik". I whined. "What do you want alright! I'll give it to you".

"You finna give me my pussy?"

"If it's yours why ain't you take it then?" I was challenging him. Tryna see what his answer was going to be.

"See. That pussy mine but we have co-ownership. I mean even though that pussy 98% mine, you still got 2% and if your 2% says no then that's just what it is".

See my man got class, I love this hard- headed motherfucker.

"You so sexy when you dropping knowledge". I leaned up and straddled his lap. His hands immediately finding my waist.

"Aye. That ain't even knowledge. Every man should know that. If the woman say no...Issa no. Period. I don't give a fuck if you walk around this ENTIRE house butt ass naked. If you say I can't touch you then that's just what it is".

"You so anti-rape. And I love it". I leaned down to give him a kiss. Only a peck but he palmed the back of my head and kept me kissing him. The kiss got sloppier and tongue got involved. I was finally able to pull from the kiss by pinching his nose. "Damn...taking my lips and shit".

"You mean MY lips. Why you keep getting it wrong".

I just giggled, claiming my assets like I gave him permission to do that.

"E". I breathed out in a chuckle.

"Nah nun of that, now can I have permission to start because a nigga getting horny". He spoke with a slight smirk

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