"Don't do it."

The woman laughed aloud and shoved Ash's hand away. "Go ahead! Hit me! Fight back! Don't you have a black belt on whatever martial arts crap you love to brag about?"

"Please, don't."

"If you're going to be such a coward, then don't involve yourself in our oppas lives! I'd be happy if anyone but you ends up with them."

"You're making a terrible assumption. I am not seeing nor sleeping with any of them."

"So you're going to continue being like this?" The woman exclaimed angrily then shoved her phone to Ash's face. "Look! You even took him out of Seoul so that what? No one can know how you seduced him into bed?"

"BREAKING NEWS: Ash Lee Dating Another BigBang Member — This Time It's TAEYANG"

Ash read the headline in shock. What she and Young Bae feared earlier happened in a blink. Photos of her and the singer in the mudflats filled the article. What made her more nervous was a word she only subtly read — 'kiss'.

The young woman removed her phone from the actress' dazed face. "Don't act so surprised. It was what you wanted in the first place, right? You wanted to disband them!"

"What, no!" The other replied instantly.

The woman got so infuriated that she slapped Ash Lee again and took out a pocket knife from her purse. "Maybe you need to get hurt more for you to come to your senses." She then went charging and screaming towards the artist with the knife in hand.

The noise earned some attention and people rushed in to look, only to be surprised with what they found — a young woman trying to stab the famous actress Ash Lee. Some men tried to interfere but was unsuccessful due to the dangerous flailing of the knife.

Seeing the sharp object was a shock for Ash but she immediately set her mind straight. She learned how to disarm long before and doing so was a simple task, especially with a young, inexperienced woman.

"Calm down." She convinced. "Put the knife down and we'll talk." She carefully moved closer to the young woman.

"Shut up, you little b*tch!"

"It does not have to be this way."

"One more step and I'll seriously slash your face!"

"Stop it!" The actress yelled which surprised everyone, including the young woman. "Stop it all at once! Don't ruin your life over this."

The woman laughed incredulously. "You must think that I'm a joke. I don't need that from a slut like you!" She ran towards Ash Lee with the knife out front.

The people watching them screamed in fear. In a flash, the actress disarmed and ended up holding the young woman's arm behind her back. Ash then shoved her towards the ground and held her like that. The woman squirmed in pain and tried to escape from the tight grip.

"Can anyone please call the police?" The artist asked loudly. "You're still young. You have way more potential. I'm sorry we have to go to this path." She whispered to the woman.

A man volunteered to hold down the young, crying woman for Ash. The actress agreed and she finally tended to the bleeding forearm she didn't notice. "Good thing it's not that deep." She sighed heavily.

The people watching them started to gather around fhe actress, demanding a variety of things — from asking if she's okay, if the rumors were true, and some for an autograph.

"I personally ask everyone to please delete all the pictures and footage you have of what happened today. I'd like to deal with these matters privately and I'd have to sue the ones who post them on any platforms. Thank you." She asked shakily in the middle of the pushing people around her.

It was until a masked man dragged her away from the crowd and helped her escape. After a few meters, Ash pulled her hand away. "One life-threatening person is enough for a day. Can you please try to stab me tomorrow instead?" She panted.

The man looked around for the crowd that was chasing them and when the coast was clear, he removed his mask. "I'm sorry."

"Y-Young Bae."

"I'm sorry I did this to you. This is all my fault."

"No, no. Were you waiting for me around here?" The actress hopefully asked.

"No." He replied. "I didn't even get the chance to go out because I read the articles. I was calling you but you weren't answering. I was about to go to your place but Ji Yong stopped me, said that we needed to be cautious."

"I don't have my phone with me .."

"That's why. I got worried that I sneaked out when Ji Yong went back to his room to get something. Wait — are you hurt? You're bleeding!"

Despite feeling light-headed, Ash Lee had the urge to smile. "I'm fine. Just a scratch."

"What happened? I just saw a crowd with you in the middle. Did they hurt you?"

"No. I did this to myself. It's nothing."

"Nothing?" Young Bae demanded. "Let's go back and treat that before it gets infected."

The two jogged back to the YG dormitories. As they were approaching the lobby, a group of reporters and cameras jumped at them like an ambush. Young Bae wrapped his arms protectively around Ash Lee before the guards escorted them.

"Are you dating?"

"Ash Lee-ssi, who are you really dating?"

"Why are you bleeding?"

"Where did the two of you go?"

"Are you two dating?"

"Did Ash Lee-ssi two-time with you and G-Dragon?"

The last question irked Young Bae's ears. "You have me." He whispered towards Ash before asking a guard to take her away.

He then turned towards the crowd with a serious face. Before elevator doors closed, Ash heard Young Bae talk to the reporters bravely.

"Ash Lee-ssi and I are —"

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