Chapter 24: Last Day Of School

Start from the beginning

"Give me one," I told him. "I'm gonna hit her head. Knock some sense into her."

"Want me to do it?" Dylan asked.

I grinned. "Yeah. As hard as you can, please."

So both of threw a ball, Dylan hitting Cathryn straight in the chest and it looked painful. She doubled over like the drama queen she is and slowly walked off, acting like someone stabbed her.

Immediately, I threw one surprising Owen.

And guess what?

Our whole team cheered as I hit Owen's legs and he stared at me. "That was luck."

"Yeah right," I told him.

Dylan came over to us. "That was the most interesting dodgeball game I've ever played."

"Oh, look at that," Owen muttered to us. "Behind you."

I turned around and saw a group of girls huddled around a crying Cathryn.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

Even the coach looked annoyed with Cathryn as he tried to make her stop crying. "It's okay, it's okay. Don't cry, so you want to go to the nurse?"

Cathryn looked up with her red eyes and pointed at me. "She threw it. It hurt and she doesn't even care."

I couldn't help but stare at her in disbelief.

"It's just a game, Cathryn. We can't do anything about it," The coach sighed.

Cathryn looked pissed. "But— But,"

"Oh would you look at that, the bell rang," The coach said.

Cathryn glared at him, wiping her fake tears. "It didn't."

"You know what?" The coach said. "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do. And I say class dismissed. Everybody out!"

I shot a smile to Cathryn before walking out the gymnasium. Before they could come I quickly changed back into my clothes in the locker room and stuffed my gym clothes in a bag.

Cathryn and Claire both walked in with their other friends, all surrounding Cathryn and asking if she was okay.

"This is all your fault, bitch," a girl spat.

I rolled my eyes and as soon as the bell rang, I literally flew out of there. I walked out as fast as I could and made my way to English class.

But I felt an arm around me and when I looked to my right it was Owen, smirking. "You know, you're really short."

"Don't touch me," I hissed, slapping his arm away. "Who said you and I were friends?"

He frowned. "Why wouldn't you wanna be friends with me? I'm literally so cool—"

My mouth practically dropped open. "You're literally the stupidest person I know. You ruined my life, you know."

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