And They Were Roommates- Oh My God They Were Roommates(Kara)

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It was a close tie between Masochistic Lena and Roommate Kara, but Kara won out, as it would seem. So, without further ado, a disclaimer-
I do not own Supergirl, Kara Danvers or any of her incarnations- but I do hope you will enjoy this one-shot(extra long, just because I like you guys ;))

Mature Content!

You swore under your breath as you looked at the mess you had made in the living room, glass shards dangerously surrounding your bare feet, some hidden in the shaggy beige carpeting. You slowly and carefully managed to pick some of the bigger pieces out and lay them flat in your palm, taking care not to move your feet or clench your fist. It was just like you to do something like this; you had always been a klutz, prone to things slipping their way from your grasp. You'd have to tell your roommate when she got back from her run, so she wouldn't accidentally cut herself on any glass you might have missed.

You reached down to pick up another shard of glass, this time your depth perception failing you as your finger grazed the tip, rather than the side of the shard. You didn't even really feel it; barely a prick really. What alerted you was the sudden swelling you felt, no doubt the rushing of blood to the area, as sure enough a droplet of red began to built upon the tip of your finger, and down the length of the semi- lengthy cut you had managed to slice down the pad of your finger. You frowned, sticking the finger in your mouth after a quick examination. That wasn't very good.. you hoped you still had some bandages left, although you faintly remember seeing the first aid kit in the bathroom almost empty.

You were still trying to figure out how to move safely away from the glass when you heard the lock click in the door, signaling your roommate was back. "Kara!" You called as she stuck her head in the doorway, taking off her running shoes. "Y/n? What's wrong, why are you shouting?" She asked a little worriedly as she stepped inside, seeing you standing cautiously beside the coffee table.

"I broke a glass.." you gave a sheepish smile and gestured to the glass shards in your palm, looking down at the smaller pieces around your feet. "Alright just hold on.. I'll.. I'll.. hang on let me think."

Going around the couch, Kara observed all the glass around your feet, trying to think of a way to get you out of there without cutting you. "Alright.. let me just.." she stuck her tongue out slightly from the corner of her mouth in concentration as she climbed over the couch, standing on the cushion behind you. Adjusting her glasses to get a better look at the smaller shards, she came over to the edge and hooked her arms under yours. "I'm going to lift you up on three.. okay?"

You tried to ignore the fact that her breath was very hot on your neck, or that you could feel the tense muscle of her biceps under your arms, pulling you to her chest.. "one.. two.. three!" She lifted on three, hoisting you up as though you weighed nothing. You set foot on the couch cushion just in front of her, her arms still wrapped around you. You tried not to let her see how much that had effected you, coughing slightly as she blushed and let go. You walked along the cushions until you reached the hardwood beyond the carpet, walking over to the trash can and dumping the glass shards in your hand into the bag. You put your finger in your mouth again as the cut opened a bit, and Kara took notice.

"Are you okay?" She looked concerned, hopping over the back side of the couch and going over to the vacuum sitting in the corner. "I'm fine, it's just a cut." You assured her, going over to the sink to rinse it off as she started vacuuming up the glass. As the two of you cleaned up, you couldn't help but let your mind wander back to her lifting you from the floor effortlessly, you back pressed against the curve of her body. You hardly noticed the steaming temperature of the water, your face near the same hue as your hands as the thought crossed you mind, but you shook it away. You were roommates. You didn't want to make it weird with Kara.

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