What's In A Name: Lena Luthor- Part 3

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I do not own Supergirl or any of it's characters, I'm just a big gay mess and I'm in a Katie McGrath loving mood.

"Leeeeeeeenaaaaaa.." you whined, flopping down on the couch and laying your head in your girlfriend's lap. You pouted up at her as she flipped through the pages of her book.

"Leeeeeeeeeeeeeennnaaaaaaaaaa..." You continued to pout, peeking up at her through the space between her and the book. Finally, she sighed, setting down the book and looking down at you, brushing the hair from your face. "Yes?" She chuckled. "What is so dreadfully important you have to have my attention at this very moment?"

You simply smiled up at her innocently, leaning up and kissing her. "I love you~"

Lena smiled and kissed back. "Well I guess that is dreadfully important." She sighed, abandoning her book in favor of holding you in her arms.

After a while however, she glanced to the clock, and you couldn't help but somber. "You've got to head back to L. Corp, don't you.."

She nodded and you let her get up, stretching and masking your disappointment. "I'll still meet you for lunch, though, right?" You asked hopefully, and Lena nodded in reassurance. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'll bring you your favorite coffee too." She smiled that beautiful smile of hers, walking over and giving you one last sweet kiss before heading out the door.

You sighed as she left, the ghost of a smile still plastered on your face as you decided to get a move on, starting with changing out of your old pajama shirt that was three sizes too big. Maybe you'd put some actual pants on today. Maybe, but you weren't going to promise yourself anything.

You made your way to the bathroom, passing by Alex's empty room and remembering she had gone out of town for something having to do with the DEO. She hadn't told you the specifics; since your fallout and breakup with Kara, hardly anyone at the DEO really acknowledged you. You didn't really have any reason to be there anyway, besides to bring Alex lunch from time to time.

You turned and entered the bathroom, shedding your clothes and hopping in the shower as hot water steamed down over your skin. Lena always hated it when you had the water temperature up so high, but you thought it was perfect. Nothing like third degree burns in the morning to start your day, as you always say.

Once you had finished your shower, you decided today would be a relaxed day. You were only going out with your girlfriend for lunch, after all. It wasn't like you were going to a press conference. So you put your hair up in a messy bun, grabbed a large pocket T-shirt with the sleeves rolled up, skinny jeans, and your flip flops. You were all ready to go!

Except.. you glanced at the clock, and realized you still had three hours to yourself before you were supposed to meet Lena. You groaned and stomped off to the living room, flopping once again back down on the couch with a sigh as you waited for time to pass.

After several hours of watching TV, struggling to ready Lena's book, and tidying up around the apartment, it was finally time to meet Lena for lunch. You grabbed your keys and hurried to your car, getting in and driving down to the cafe you always met at.

You ordered your usuals and accepted your ticket stub with the order number on it. Turning to find a table, you spotted Lena across the street. You smiled and waved to her, but before she could wave back, there a bang, a boom, and bits of the street and surrounding shops were flying in slow motion through the air as your feel left the ground, and you were caught in the explosion of a nearby bomb.

The last thing you see is Lena running over to you amidst the rubble. You can't feel anything. It hurts to breathe. But you look up and you see she's bleeding from the forehead. She might have a concussion. You reach up and try to tell her, but your hand won't move, you've broken your spinal column. You gasp for air, and it hurts, your lungs have been punctured, probably by fractured ribs.

Lena is screaming and crying, even though you can't hear her. All you can hear is ringing. You just want to comfort her, and make sure she's alright, make sure she's not hurt anywhere else. But you feel so tired, like your slipping, you don't know where, just that it's dark. It's dark, and you want Lena to hold you in her arms, like that morning. That's all you want.


"Leeeeeeeenaaaaaa.." you whined, flopping down on the couch and laying your head in your girlfriend's lap. You pouted up at her as she flipped through the pages of her book.

"Leeeeeeeeeeeeeennnaaaaaaaaaa..." You continued to pout, peeking up at her through the space between her and the book. Finally, she sighed, setting down the book and looking down at you, brushing the hair from your face. "Yes?" She chuckled. "What is so dreadfully important you have to have my attention at this very moment?"

You simply smiled up at her innocently, leaning up and kissing her. "I love you~"

Lena smiled and kissed back. "Well I guess that is dreadfully important." She sighed, abandoning her book in favor of holding you in her arms.

You smiled softly, snuggling close to her. Your Lena, safe and sound.

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