Alternative- Part 1: Sam

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I do not own Supergirl or any of it's characters, and before I begin this chapter, I just wanted to give a shout-out to all of my amazing readers, for all your dedication, likes and comments. Without you, I wouldn't be anywhere, and I appreciate you all so much.

I also wanted to say that I have really enjoyed writing these Alex chapters. It started by request on one of my chapters, asking about Alex, and I wasn't really sure. I wasn't a big fan of Alex at the time. But I pushed out of my comfort zone, and the more I did, the more I saw sides of Alex I really loved. Watching the new season, my love for her has only grown, and I have so many more prompts and ideas I'd love to try writing for her. The only problem was that I felt like writing all these Alex chapters wouldnt be fair to other characters and to all of you.

So, id like to announce that I'll be starting a new X -Reader about the reader and Alex's history in depth, as well as their future together. Please, I'd love your support, so if you wouldn't mind, check it out, and hopefully if you liked the Alex chapters, you'll like that as well!

Now, sorry, I'm such a chatty Cathy. Back to the chapter! (Since I actually know Sam now, I thought id give her a shot)

You sat on the bed your mother had prepared for you, braiding your hair as it draped over your shoulder. Through your old window, you could look up at the sky and see the stars. You felt the bed creak behind you, dipping slightly as arms wrapped around your waist from behind, someone humming satisfactorily as they laid their chin in the crook of your neck. You smiled, kissing your girlfriend on the temple. 

"Your mom's making pie downstairs.." she murmured, and you brushed a strand of hair away from her face. She let go of you, and you turned your head to look at her smiling as you got up from the bed. "Really now?"

You lifted yourself up onto her lap, straddling her. "Mhm..." She let out a low hum, her cheeks rose tinted. Sam smiled and kissed you softly as you cupped her cheeks in your hands.

"Thank you for this, Y/N. I know Ruby really appreciates it. She's always wanted a grandma.." Sam gave a little chuckle as the two of you pulled away from each other.

"Of course. Although, don't let my mother hear you say that. She's only 48." You couldn't help but laugh, Sam laughing with you, although it looked strained. Then it caught up with you.

"Wait.. grandma? But I mean.. we're only dating.." you said, blinking in surprise, your voice filled with trepidation as, still under you, Sam blushed. "Well.. i.."

You were interupted by a knock at the door. You composed yourself, hopping off your position atop your girlfriend and coughing into your fist. "I-its open."

Your mother stepped in, Ruby at her heals holding a steaming pie tin with a pair of oven mitts. "Pie's ready." She said, flashing a knowing look between the two of you as Ruby beamed. "I made this one all by myself!" She looked to her mother, who gave her daughter a little smile and brushed her dark, straight hair behind her ear. "That's wonderful Rubes. Come on, why don't we go wash up for dinner." She stood, walking rather briskly over to Ruby.

"Sam-" you tried, but was cut off by your mother. "Oh, Y/N, there's someone on the phone for you, by the way." She handed you the landline.

You scowled, taking it and putting it to your ear. "Hello? Agent L/N speaking." You were met with a familiar voice.

"Agent L/N. I'm sorry to disturb you, but this is a matter of emergency. I know you're celebrating the holiday with your family, but-" you cut J'onn off.

"-you need me to come in." You sighed, before getting serious. "Yes sir. Is there any way Supergirl could give me a lift? I'm afraid I'm too far away to get there by car any time soon." You paced the room as you spoke, and from the doorway, Sam watched, shooing Ruby downstairs with your mother.

"That's doable. Where are you?" J'onn asked. "California. Can she get here in time?" 

"Yes. Be ready. You'll be breifed when you get here."

J'onn hung up, and you sighed, peinching the bridge of your nose. You felt awful about this. It was Easter weekend. You were supposed to be spending time with loved ones, not fighting crime. Sam walked over, a worried look on her face. "Work?"

You nodded. "yeah.. something came up- it's an emergency.." you sighed. "I'm so sorry, Sam.. I know you and Ruby have been looking forward to this.. to us all getting to spend the holiday together.."

She took your hands in hers, rubbing the tops with her thumbs. "Y/N.. it's alright. Go. We'll be fine here." Sam said understandingly.

"Sam.. that's not fair to you.. to my mom, or to Ruby.." you were silenced by Sam gently kissing you.

"Y/n M/n L/n, you need to stop worrying about us. Whatever is going on, your work needs you there more than we need you here." She said, and you pursed your lips.

"We'll make it the rest of the weekend without you." She assured you, and you gave a little smile. "I don't deserve you.."

She smiled back. "Well." She said coyly. "You can make it up to me by marrying me."

"Anything for you." You smiled, leaning in and kissing your amazing girlfriend. Wait just a minute-

Your eyes shot open as you pulled your lips away, looking at her in shock. "Wait come again?"

"Marry me." She said softly, getting down on her knees and looking up at you. Holy Mother of Rao.

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