Prom?: Part 3(Sam)

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written in so long, school started back up, and I've been packed with things to do! But I'm back, and I'm going to try to catch up and give you guys as much content as I can! Bare with me- I promise, it'll be worth it.

On another note- HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS WE PASSED 50K!!!

Thank you all sooooo much for sticking with this story, for taking the time to read and comment- each one makes me so happy, and I just can't thank you all enough. I never expected this story to become so popular, and I'm going to keep doing my best to improve it, and keep you all hooked! ;)

Without further ado-, enjoy!

You adjusted the top of your dress, standing in front of the mirror. The one you had picked out wasn't the most amazing thing you had ever seen, that was for sure, but it was something.

As soon as you had mentioned you were going to prom, your mother had taken it upon herself to lecture you about waiting until the week before to get a dress, and had dragged you to every store open in order to find one.

Unfortunately, almost everything was already taken, and what was left was either too small, or much too large. You didn't want anything super long either. Eventually, you came to a decision, settling for a red dress that reached your knees, with a tulle skirt, and a sweetheart neckline. Your mother let you borrow her faux diamond necklace, and the earings to match.

Caleb had come over a few hours previously, doing your long h/c locks into a neat, beautiful fishtail braid that hung down your back.

You checked your make up one last time nervously, your mother sitting on the couch across from where you stood.

"Now Y/N, I don't want you home too late, okay? I draw the line at two in the morning." Your mother said, and you turned to look at her. "What? Mom why on Earth would I be out until two?"

"Oh, I know how you teenagers are. I was just the same. I have no doubt you and this 'Sam' boy will be all over each other by the end of the night. All I care about is that you're safe, and that you don't spend the night. If you need a ride, text me and I'll be there to come pick you up. Oh and tell a friend where you're going whenever you decide to-"

"OH-KAY Mom the enough." You blushed scarlet. "Sam's not like that." You said, although a part of your brain was talking back to you, replaying what had happened in the bathroom a week ago in your head over and over again.

"Well it's good to know regardless." Your mother insisted.

"Mom, I can assure you, nothing is going to happen. And if it does, then you don't have anything to worry about. We don't exactly need condoms or anything, you know.." you blushed, even just entertaining the idea of you and Sam-

"Excuse me?" Your mother looked furious. "Young lady what did I just say? Of course you're going to need a condom, do you want to get yourself pregnant?"

You winced. "Mom, that's not it. We couldn't fuck up and pregnant if we tried." You insisted. She wasn't having it.

"Now you listen to me right now, Y/n M/n L/n, if I find out you have sex with this boy and he doesn't wear a condom, I am going to-"

Perfect timing as always, the doorbell rang, and you paled. You rushed to the door, opening it, and doing a double take as your jaw nearly dropped.

Sam stood in front of you on the front porch, wearing a dress shirt, unbuttoned and tucked into her black dress pants, revealing just a small hint of her, braless, chest. She wore her blazer over her shoulders, instead of on her arms, and her hair fell down in soft umber waves. You were sure you were blushing.

"C-come on in." You stammered, trying to compose yourself as you held the door open. She stepped inside, and as you closed the door, she smiled at you, pulling a corsage box from her coat and opening, revealing a red rose. She put the corsage on your wrist, and you smiled up at her faintly, her own dazzling smile making you weak in the knees.

From the couch, your mother coughed into her fist, and you jumped, turning to look at her with wide eyes.

"I uh.. I see what you mean now." She said, looking between the two of you.

"Mom, this is Sam.." you managed, introducing them. "Sam, this is my mom."

Sam smiled dazzlingly, walking over and taking your mother's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. L/N. Samantha Arias. I promise I'll take good care of your daughter daughter tonight." She promised, and your mom gave her a look you couldn't decifer. "I'm sure you will." She said, as Sam let go of her hand.

Sam gives her a polite smile, before heading back over to you. "Ready to go?" She asks.

You nod, and Sam takes her keys out of her pants pocket. "I'll go start the car." She says, kissing you on the top of your hand, before heading out the house. You watch her go, and your mother comes up beside you, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Keep her." Your mother says, dead serious. You blush.

"I'll see you at two, dear."

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