What's In A Name?: Lena Luthor- Part 2

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I do not own Supergirl or any of it's characters, I'm just massively and unexplainably gay for Katie McGrath and her flawless jawline. 

"Leeeeenaaaaa.." You pouted, flopping down on the couch dramatically. She chuckled, walking over and leaning over the arm, placing a gentle kiss to your lips and talking your face gently in her hands. 

You whined as she pulled away, grabbing her lightly by the shirt and pulling her back down for another kiss. She smiled against your lips, her soft green eyes sweeping over you as her hands traced the lines of your face. 

"Y/N... " The way she said your name sent chills down your spine; soft and velvety, seductive, caressing your heart instead of pulling it's strings.

"Hmm.. yes, my love?" You asked, flipping over so you were laying on your stomach and looking up at her. She kissed you again and all time seemed to stop in that moment; in every moment she touched you. Then her lips pulled away, and time started once again, tick tick ticking by the second.

"Do you have to go..?" You murmered, tucking a loose strand of dark hair behind her ear. She was wearing it down today, rare as she usually kept it up in a bun. You loved her hair down, the way it seemed to sway and curve and frame her face just right.

She chuckled, "Yes, unfortunetly I have a meeting in half an hour, then I have to meet with the board, then I have to-" you cut her off with a barrage of kisses.

"Then-" kiss. "-dont-" kiss. "-go." You kissed her lovingly, and cupped your face in her hands as she kissed you back. Sighing, she let go, saying bye and waving as she headed out the door.

The same time she left, Alex came home, as you were still sharing an apartment. You had searched everywhere for one, but there were none to be found. None in your price range anyway. So you had started paying Alex rent, and the two of you were now roommates.

Alex stepped inside and glanced down the hall and back at you, eyebrow raised. "Do I want to know why Lena Luthor was just in our apartment?"

You laughed as you got off the couch, stretching. "Probably not." Both you and Lena had agreed it was in everyone's best interest to keep quiet about your relationship. Between the paparazzi, Lena's friendship with your ex, Kara, and your new internship at L Corp, there was a lot that could go wrong with exposing your relationship.

That didn't include Alex, however, at least you and Lena had talked it over, and since she was your roommate it would be kind of hard to hide something like that from her, even if you wanted to. Which you didn't.

"What was she here about? Oh god, did you mess up at work? Please tell me she didn't fire you." Alex started to panic before you put a hand on her shoulder.

"Alex take a deep breath, it's okay." You chuckled, grabbing a donut from the box she had brought with her. "No, she didn't fire me, actually there's something I've been wanting to tell you, I think it's only right that you should be the one to know."

She gave you a funny look, but didn't interrupt, signalling you to continue. "Well, Lena and I are dating." You smiled, taking a bite of a Boston cream donut as Alex's jaw almost dropped. "Wait. Wait wait wait- you're screwing Lena Luthor?"

You blushed and tried not to laugh. "I believe I used the word dating, but if you want to get into specifics-"

"No no thank you, I'm good." She said, cutting off the conversation. "So, does anyone else know? Does Kara know?"  Alex asked.

By now, several months after the the breakup, you were more comfortable talking about your ex, although you had to admit it still stung a little. "No," you said, setting the donut down and sighing. "And hopefully if she does find out about it she won't do what I know she'll do. She'll pout and brood and she'll try to act happy for Lena but she'll be her usual terrible liar self, and Lena will see through it and she'll start to doubt and-"

Alex cut you off, a sympathetic smile resting softly on her face. "Y/n..."

You stopped, looking down at your donut guiltily. "Sorry Alex.. I shouldnt be dissing your sister.. especially after all you've done to help me.." you pursed your lips and Alex turned your head so you were looking at her.

"Look Y/N, what Kara did was beyond shitty, but you need to move on. I don't care if you diss her, she's my sister yes, and I love her, but that doesn't mean I won't support you and take your feelings into account. I just think you need to move on from this, focus on what you have now, your relationship with Lena, that's all that matters, okay?" She said, and you hugged her.

"That and Boston cream donuts, seriously you better finish that or I'm going to steal it." She chuckled, and you smiled, letting go and taking another bite of donut. "Thanks Alex."

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