Changes- Part 1: Sam

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I don't own Supergirl, or this poor, precious baby that is Samantha Arias, unfortunately. Nevertheless, enjoy *distributes boxes of tissues to each and every one of you*

"No, thats not how you do it!" Ruby laughed as she stirred the cookie batter in the bowl. You were prancing around the island, tossing handfuls of chocolate chips into the mix.

"Are you sure about that?" You asked with a twirl, tossing a few in your mouth. "I'm positive this is how you make cookies."

"No!" Ruby laughed.

"My mother used to make these same cookies for me, and you know what, Ruby? She'd hop up on the counter and dance like a chicken!" You beamed, leaning on the counter with a daring look in your eye.

"Don't you dare!" Ruby cackled, pulling the bowl off the counter and away from you. You made it halfway up the counter, struggling to lift yourself up as there was a cough from behind you.

"Having fun, are we?" Sam asked, hands on her hips and a delicious smile on her lips.

You hopped off the counter, brushing yourself of flour and giving her an innocent look. "Oh, not hardly. Who? Me? Ruby? Never." You walked over to your fiance, your hands resting on her hips as she smiled, gently kissing you as both your eyes fluttered closed.

"Ew! Gross!" Ruby stuck her tongue out at the two of you. "Get a room!" She giggled, taking a bite of cookie dough straight from the spoon.

You whipped around. "You little gremlin, what did I say about eating it off the spoon!" Ruby squealed and set the bowl down, running out of the room. You gave Sam a quick peck on the lips and chased after Ruby, Sam laughing and shaking her head after you two's shenanigans.

You chased Ruby until your sides hurt, the two of you collapsed onto the carpet of your apartment, gasping for breath. Finally, you sat up, groaning as you did so. You had sustained a gun shot wound a few weeks prior in the field, and it was still healing.

"Are you okay?" Ruby asked, also sitting up. You looked over at her, ruffling her hair. "Oh, I'm fine.. just this damn-" you looked over at Sam in the kitchen and caught yourself. "Just my stomach again is all." You assured Ruby.

"You really got shot in the stomach, huh?" Ruby asked, crossing her legs and turning to look at you. "You haven't told me a lot about it. Was it scary?"

You though about it. "Yes.. and no. At first, I hardly even noticed it. It hurt, but that's not what was important. There was someone I needed to protect. I had a job to do. It was all adrenaline. I didn't have time to think, let alone be scared." Ruby looked riveted, clinging to your every word.

"Afterwords is when I was scared. It hurt a lot, and I wasn't sure if I was going to be okay or not. I was scared I was going to have to leave you and your mother." You remembered softly.

"You were scared to die." Ruby finished for you.

You nodded, before shaking your head. "You don't need to worry about that though, Ruby. I'm fine. I'm fine, and I'm not going anywhere." You patted her knee.

You heard a sigh from the kitchen, and you turned to look over at your fiance. "Honey is everything okay?" You called.

"Yeah, yeah.." Sam sighed, looking down at her phone. She looked over at you with a look you knew well. "Work again?"

She nodded. "God- I feel awful.. we were going to watch that movie you like tonight-"

You waved her off. "Go, we'll be fine here. We understand, babe." You got up on your feet, walking over to her.

"But it's not fair to you-"

You cut her off with a soft peck on the lips. "Hey. Shh. Ruby and I can hold down the fort here. Go save the world one press conference at a time." You chuckled, and she kissed you.

"You're amazing.."

You smiled, brushing her hair from her face and kissing her nose. "I try. Now go, I've got everything taken care of."

Sam smiled as Ruby walked over, and pulled her daughter into a hug. "Are you sure you're okay, Rubes? I feel so bad about having to leave-"

"You're fine mom, go, Y/n was going to teach me how to do oragami anyway." Ruby shrugged, smiling. Sam smiled and kissed her daughter on the forehead. "Alright, have fun you two." She smiled, and you and Ruby waved to her as she got in the company car and drove off, out of sight.

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