What's In A Name?: Lena Luthor- Part 1

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I do not own Supergirl or any of it's characters, I'm just super gay for Lena Luthor, also, please don't be mad at me for pulling the Mon-hell card, I just need to move the plot along here. 

      "Y/N! Y/N, come back!" Kara shouted, leaning over the balcony as you stormed out of the building and down the dark street. You wiped at your eyes and refused to look back, pulling your coat tighter around yourself. "Y/N!"        

      You blinked, looking up from your coffee and at Alex, who was waving her hand in front of your face. "Y/N? Y/N are you alright? You looked super spaced out..." 

      You pursed your lips and sipped the coffee, giving her a nonchalant nod. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine Alex, sorry." You mumbled, setting the mug down. Alex had been kind enough to let you stay with her after the whole... Kara event. You sighed, trying to focus on anything but that night, but of course the memory came up to the surface, when you wished it would just drown. 

      The evening had started out wonderfully, you had no idea it would be such a disaster. 

      "Mmm.. my hero.." You mumbled as Kara saved you from having to walk to the bedroom, carrying you bridal style. She smiled and silenced you with her lips as she laid you down, and you slid your hand over her side, sending goosebumps up her spine. 

      She grinned against your lips, biting at them with a delicious gentleness you adored. You chuckled and slid your hand up her shirt, your shirt really; she had stolen it from you earlier in the morning. You toyed with the hem of her bra strap, and in return her own hands traveled to the dip in your thighs- 

      However, before either of you could continue any farther, there came the sound of the door opening, and footsteps sounded from the other room. Kara's face immediately paled as she jumped off of you, rushing out into the kitchen. You frowned, furrowing your eyebrows. You supposed it was probably just Alex, with bad timing as usual, but as you got up and slowly crept around the corner, what you saw was enough to stop you in your tracks. 

      Kara's lips slowly pulled away from the lips of the man standing in the living room, his arms wrapped around her waist. She sighed and looked up at him, pouting in that Kara way only she could really manage. "You can't be here... " She mumbled, stepping away from him. You watched her in disbelief, a ragged gasp escaping your throat at you tried to hold in the tears glistening in your eyes. "You... No.." You whispered, and Kara whipped around, her big blue eyes wide with guilt. 

      You shook your head, coming to as Alex grabbed her keys, gesturing for you to hurry up. That had been two months ago, and you were desperately searching for an apartment. You loved Alex, and she was an angel for letting you stay with her, but you needed your own place, and soon. You finished your coffee before hurrying after her. Today you were going with her to question some corporate ceo. You weren't sure who exactly, but it beat being cooped up in the apartment.

      You and Alex entered the building, but you weren't really paying all that much attention, instead staring down at your phone, more specifically your messages from Kara, which had subsequently stopped the first week after you left. Before you knew it, you found yourself in the lobby. 

      "I'm going to go talk to her, you should probably stay here. There's a little coffee setup just down the hall if you want something." She said, and you nodded, not really paying too much attention. Alex strode down the hall and out of sight, and you sighed, walking over the the keg holding the espresso. You reached for it, just as someone else did. 

      "Oh- um- sorry, go ahead.." You said, stepping back and gesturing to the keg. The woman beside you stepped back also, hesitating for a moment. "You were here first-.. you should go." She said, and you shook your head. "No, no, go ahead." 

      She smiled slightly and nodded, stepping forward and getting a small cup of coffee before stepping back to let you get some. You smiled and got a small cup of coffee, stepping back and glancing at her. She was definitely attractive, with a sharp jawline, piercing  green eyes that seemed to hold a soft center, and dark hair that fell in waves down her shoulders. She wore a very fashionable and professional dress, something you could afford only in your wildest dreams, although you proffered casual clothes anyway.

      "So, may I ask your name?" She asked, and you paused, unsure for a minute what exactly it was. "O-oh, um, Y/N, Y/N L/N.. and you are?" You asked, shaking her hand. She gave you a curious look, like you had asked if she had walked on the moon recently. 

"Call me Lena." She smiled slightly, and you smiled back. 

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