BBQ Sauce On My Titties.

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Hands moved down my arms and then they came to rest on my hands. His chest pressed up against my back as his mouth stayed at my ear. Breath fanning down my neck and back. His arms brushed my bare stomach as he tried to help me.

"You need to relax your entire body. You feel like an ironing board." Once again. I hadn't even noticed how tense I was and yet there he was making me relax. Calming and then noticing the space around me I was calm to a degree.

"Better but I feel as though you are some cardboard." I elbowed him and he laughed at my weak attempt to fight back. Smiling as I did so.

"Try it out. Swing. Go." Before I had realised it the ball was gone and it had gone pretty far. I giggled slightly and Smii7y stayed still whilst Craig kindly placed a ball into the tee as he put his own down.

"Tiger Woods. Let's go." He spoke or rather shouted into my ear and I jerked away out of reflex but his arms kept me in place right in front of him.

"They are all rooting for us." He was the one actually doing it but I got the score. His was far worse than mine yet we did well as a pair.

"There aren't groups or teams in golf. I mean in technical terms I am doing better than you are." Simply by him pulling his arms to his chest I was forced to take a step back just to balance it out.

"You know what I mean." As he said that the ball was gone and he took the club into his own hand and took his two turns. Again. My smile wide as I returned to the seats.

After Smii7y had finished his turn we stood with the others and spoke. Keeping up with the conversation as others played the game in turns. The sky was growing lighter as the time grew closer to midday. My stomach had not been fed so I felt starved.

My turns had been taken after without the aid of Smii7y as Brian always kept him in a deep conversation but I did well. Brian had done best of all in our grouo but it was well accepted so we moved on for food. I climbed into my car but saw Brian climbed into one of the other ones.

"Brian stop being a cuck." Was shouted by one of the boys and I laughed. Not sure why they had reacted that way but still it was a scene I was glad to have witnessed.

"The others have Brian. We are headed to your favourite place?" I nodded and we then stayed silent in the car for a while. Hoping to drive off and soon the others were all in and ready. I was the first to drive off and we arrived first. My speeding and early start had helped considerably.

"So, where did we leave off this morning?" I punched Smii7y on the arm and he showed no signs of being in the slightest affected by it. Instead he undid my seatbelt and pulled me onto his lap. I tried to fight it. Just to see what he would do but he was stronger and I had no effect.

I sat facing the driver's window but his arm on my arm also took my attention. Mainly as he was pushing and pulling me until I was basically straddling his lap. My knees on the sides of his legs.

Our eyes met and his hand moved up my back. Beneath my hair as I felt the skin on skin contact at the base of my neck. His left hand stayed on my lower back. Pulling me to him slightly. My hands resting on both of his shoulders.

We had basically started kissing when the windscreen was hit and I jumped back as Smii7y let go of my body. Bringing my lips between my teeth I stifled a laugh as Brian was seen walking ahead of us. He had, once again, stopped Smii7y from getting his kiss and I was frankly hoping he would get the kiss already.

"Dinner awaits us." I climbed out of the car and waited for him to close the door before I locked it. A hand meeting mine as we slowly walked into the restaurant for a late lunch.

My mouth watered slightly as the smell of all the food hit my nares. Smii7y was at my side the whole night. Despite Brian nearly sitting next to me. When Cam was on my other side.

When I looked beside me I saw Smii7y send off a text and a few phones buzzed. Not one word was said as people read through it. My eyes darted to Smii7y and he gave me an eye of awkwardness.

"Oh no. I am such an idiot." Brian blurted out as he finished reading and the table all agreed. They had all received the message and I was the only one left out. I quirked an eyebrow at Smii7y and he played innocent.

"I know you sent a text. What did it say? Just tell me." He stayed silent and tried to drag my attention to the Menu. Only, I knew the meal I wanted so I looked at him until one phone was placed in my hand. He went to type the password but I put it in.

"3004 isn't great. I mean, your birthday? Really?" He seemed to take it well as he sent his eyes over the menu. I clicked through all of his messaging apps. Looking for a group I was not apart of until one popped up with all the boys at the table.

Smii7y's hook up book.

Brian you did it again. The second time today we nearly kissed and you went and hit the fucking car. You cuck.

I handed the phone back and shook my head in disapproval. He didn't say a thing as the truth of my reaction hit him. I wasn't angry just surprised and disappointed that he couldn't say it with me there. Keeping it from me.

His hand fell onto my thigh and I gave a brief smile before using my phone texting my family when it rang. I picked up the very second it went off and a smile branched on my face.

"Arty Barty BooBoo. How are you? I know. I will think about it just give me time. We call all the time. Well, I will tell you what, I love you. No. I love you enough to call you that. No. Promise me you won't be that girl. Not a word other than you promising. Artemis Ellis Allerton you promise me that you will not be one of those girls. I was one of them. Tell me, how many schools did I attend? In each new year I had a new school. My first year I moved three times. Four schools and by the time I left every school I had dated all the boys worth dating and some. Even in a year above sometimes. I am paying for it at this very moment." I realised that the boys had stayed relatively quiet as I spoke but my call had been quiet so most of them couldn't hear me anyway.

"Because every time a boy talks to me now I assume they just want sex or to gain from it. Jason? Really? He was the worst to want sex with me. At least promise not to sleep with any of them. Alright. Love you. Tell mum and dad I will call soon." I hung up and let my phone fall into my pocket again just in time to order my food.

Smii7y X OC.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum