This Bitch Empty.

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Lifting my black bag and standing properly I pulled some shoes on. Hoping to avoid one playful Smii7y but he seemed to be on one as the day passed on. His presence getting to be a bigger one than expected.

"See you later." Cam waved me off and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. His hand held a bowl of food and I remembered that lunch had been missed. It wasn't too bad as I had dinner in a short while so, leaving, my hand waved.

"Where are you going?" It was Smii7y and he seemed to be curious but I only shrugged which made him arch an eyebrow at me. Not sure if he understood what was going on.

"Do you want to come?" He nodded and he grabbed a pair of shoes. Walking from the door and catching up with me.

Just as I got into the car Smii7y was in the seat beside me. He was one persistent man and I liked it. He kept up with harassing me until I had to accept his company. In truth I loved spending time with him.

"Was this your way of taking me on a date?" I laughed and turned up the music. Hopes of him leaving me be was forgotten and so when he turned my music off I sighed loud enough for him to hear.

"What normally happens when you have a boyfriend? I mean, in the lead up and then after." Indicating left I tried to avoid it but the silence forced me to answer.

"Until I moved to Australia, I always either had a boyfriend, just broke up with one or I was talking to the next one. To be honest with you the second I broke up with them I was already talking to someone else. In a day or so. But, I knew how the relationship would happen because, if he went for me then when I told him I wouldn't sleep with him he dumped me, tried to get back but I wasn't having it. Or, if I pursued it then we dated, kissed. So on but he wouldn't be half interested and so would move on. My move to Australia was supposed to break such a cycle." We had pulled up at the location and my phone buzzed.

"Hey Cam. I know, I know. He would harass me until I let him or told him. I know it has been less than 24 hours. 13 hours is a lot. I know. Alright. See you soon. Love you." My hand slipped into my bag. Smii7y was busy watching his surroundings closely.

"Why are we at a dance studio?" His eyes fell to the figures around him. Only his face didn't show excitement just confusion as he tried to figure it out.

"Stop staring at half dressed females." His head snapped towards me and his smile made me regret it. One large shit eating grin covered his face.

"Jealous?" His arms wrapped around my body in a calm manner before finally I gave a tug and we moved into a changing room to dress.

"No. I just know that they don't like it. Now, turn around. I need to dress." He turned to the wall and sat on the chair, pulling his phone out. I turned my head regularly to see what he was doing. Messaging seemed to be all he did.

"Come on." I pulled him up and we left to the large hall. He sat in a chair located in the room to my right. I raised my eyebrows as the others all entered. An equal number of males and females. Aside from Smii7y.

"Partner up." Suddenly a man entered and I sighed. Not hyped to see him. But, my eyes lit up as I saw my partner. My teeth must have been visible as I smiled so wide at his existence.

"Tim!" I held on close as we hugged for a brief second and then we moved into statue position. Waiting for the music or shouts to start.

"We are just running through the songs for today. Remember your roles and don't fuck it up." The music began and we moved. My eyes constantly falling to Smii7y as he trained his on me. Phone long forgotten at his side.

By the time we had finished I was sweaty and gross. Hugs were shared as we warmed down again. Slowing our hearts and also reducing sweat production.

"Let me get changed and we can go home." My bag lifted but Smii7y was walking out of the room with it over his shoulder. I had to follow but he only stopped at the car and we climbed in.

"I need to change." He just shook his head and handed me the key. I placed it down to click the button and we were off.

"You seemed to be very close to that man. I thought you said Tim." My eyes darted from the road to him.

"Yeah. I met him a couple weeks ago when I restarted dancing. Besides, contemporary is a very intimate style at times." His hand fell to mine and we interlocked our fingers.

"Do you do anything else? I mean, dancing." His question was a fair one but his hand kept mine warm as we travelled together and that put me slightly on edge. I had no clue why.

"Ballet. But, I don't do any class. Honestly I may quit this. I mean, my teacher isn't one to be liked easily and even then he hates us all. I like Tim but we can meet out of dance. It was easier in England. I liked both of my dance teachers and they liked me. Fast one to learn but nothing seems to please him." His hand tensed until we got back. Clearly a way that he had chosen to help me.

When we got back I up and changed from my sweaty clothes. Choosing a dress that was short and loose. Hanging from my short frame. The fabric just came to my thighs in the middle.

"Crumpet do you want to help me cook for the boys?" Cameron shouted up for me and I left my room. Checking my usual socks were on properly before walking down again.

Smii7y X OC.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz