Nice One Ron.

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"Alright fuckboys." I clicked onto the game and they all laughed at me. I wasn't sure if I had interrupted something or if they had a conversation that I managed to slip into it well.

"Um. You weren't on mute." I went red and a tint covered my face. I felt mortified and my body pulled together. My feet on the chair and my knees up to my chin. Regret was all I felt.

"No one is streaming right?" As I asked this the Jay dude admitted that he was and I just hugged my legs. Then I began to quietly eat my cereal.

"Die. Just stop. Why? That doesn't matter. The world is filled with girls that have that name. No need to worry. Now, shall we play and I will kill you Jay. Just, you'll be hiding and looking sneaky then I will come along and shoot you up. Who even streams now? I don't get paid enough to afford such good stuff. I can just about afford my cereal." He laughed at me and the challenge was set for me. I was going to have to kill him only I was a prop first.

"Wait. I'm going to get us all demonatized" I was a small doll and I hid in the attic. Just to stay hidden. Sure enough the others had all been found and then the attic was walked into. I stayed behind the boxes when John found me.

The others spectating me, laughed so loud I turned them all down until they began to wheeze. I laughed with them and then set off shushing them.

"Shush. They cannot find me. I cannot die." To top it all off my name was Anne on the game and Smii7y drew attention to this so the hunters moved to the attic.

"John please. I am just a small girl hiding in the attic. Please Mr don't shoot." I pretended to be scared and a desk was hit as they all crowded around me.

"This is so offensive." I commented and then preceded to hide behind the boxes even more to avoid their bullets. Then the time was almost up. Two seconds.

"Do you know what? This has happened to someone before. She died. Shoot me. Go on. You Na-" the game thankfully ended and the call filled with laughs. I hit the desk and then noticed a hand on the chair behind me as they watched.

"Oh. Hey Toby. What can I do for ya?" I had my eyes on him as I muted my game. Not a words carrying through to them. I was sure of it this time.

"Later we are trying some hot food and we will be uploading to the group channel if you fancy it." I agreed and he left. Closing the door behind him.

After a long ass recording I ended it and the others seemed to continue. I wanted to wash my breakfast dishes and also see what the deal with the food was so I changed into a dress that only just covered my butt and the vintage style shades of grey and cream stripes covered my body. The bow on the back matching the colour. Then I moved to the kitchen and washed up.

"Perfect timing. We are filming now." I gave my hands a wipe on my dress and then sat on a chair outside. Right by the pool. Making sure my phone was safe inside.

The camera was set up and we began to film the video. I had been offered up to start the video and an intro was given. My hands hit a slight sweat when I saw the ghost peppers and I realised that I was about to hate my life real quick.

"Take one." I took the smallest as I was the smallest and they didn't seem too fussed but probably because I was so young and also a small bit of responsibility had to be held for me.

"1...2..3." We all ate the whole thing and we sat. Waiting for the burn to start and there it did. Ice cream and yogurt was seen just off to the side and I grabbed my tub.

"This sucks. I am genuinely crying and my face is going to look a mess. My booty is just going to have to endure this as well. Why do I hate myself so much?" The yogurt was not wasted and it all entered my mouth as the sting seemed to sooth but not enough.

My hand hit the floor and I began to have a burst of hiccups. I was on all fours but then I lowered myself to prevent flashing any of them.

They seemed to be having a bad time as they were all crying like me. I stood up and let my body fall onto the seat again as I tried to fight the pain.

"I hate you all." I took my large tub of mint choc chip ice cream and spoon fed myself. No desire to last it out at all. A few swigs of water were had as I nearly died. Or felt like it.

"I feel so bad. I mean, I hurt but look at poor Crumpet. She looks bad." I began to laugh at Matt as he looked at me and pointed. They did seem bad but I felt worse. And then it happened. I sneezed and my nose began to bleed.

"Shit on it." I grabbed some of the tissue that had been provided to catch it. Trying to stop any blood from getting on my dress or on my sandals that I had put on before leaving to move outside.

I moved into the house and went to the toilet. Grabbing some more tissue and then my phone before heading back to the boys as they all struggled.

"Tilt your head back." One shouted and I only shook my head.

"I have always had nosebleeds. You tilt your head forward otherwise you swallow it. I got this. Thanks though." I put the roll down and ate more ice cream and watched as they suffered. I still had a sting but it was like a sour sweet not a ghost pepper.

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