"Shut up" she pouts gets the three green turtles.

"What the hell? These stupid little fuckers are useless" she huffs and randomly shoots them. Hitting nothing. Someone passes her and she groans

"How the fuck is that even possible? I'm in last place?" She throws the controller on the couch and takes out her phone.

Gus and I laugh as the door bell rings. I pause the game and walk to the door.

"I got it!" I yell to my family. My dad came home about 30 minutes ago and is in the kitchen 'helping' I am really sad Adam is not home for this though

I open the door and Amanda is dressed in a simple navy blue dress and big James is in a pair of jeans and his shirt is tucked in. Classy yet fashionable..

"Oh, hello, Anna, you look lovely" I smile at her and welcome them in. I look down at my outfit and shrug. I am wearing white V-neck shirt with light pink, yellow, and blue flowers on it with light blue mom jeans. my hair is straight with a small French braids on the side of my head. I smile at her.

"Thank you" I say politely and look behind them for Grayson.

Big James walks in the house and Amanda raises an eyebrow.

"He's coming" she winks, and I blush slightly.

"Oh" I say and she walks off. That was very weird. Footsteps startle me, and I look up and see Grayson smiling down at me.

"Hey, beautiful" he says, and I smile. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into him and hugs me

"I thought you didn't like hugs?" I laugh remembering last night with Nancy.

"I can make an exception. Besides I haven't seen you in forever" he says and leans down to kiss me. I move my face to the right; he kisses my cheek.

"What's wrong?" He asks, and I shake my head "nothing" he deadpans me

"Sorry, just my grandparents are here and they do not know about.. us. Or my parents" I say and he nods.

"Okay, Fine, Whatever" He says and breaks our embrace and walks into the living room.

I sigh out of frustration, and I pull on my hair. Emilee comes from the room and looks around until she spots me.

"Hey, i was looking for you." She says and takes in my discomfort and her features turn confused.

"What's wrong?" She asks me and I nod for her to go into the hall.

"Uhm, you know how I told you Grayson gave me that necklace?" I say and she nods. I take it off from my neck and hand it to her. "Turn it around" She does as told and reads it before her eyes go wide.

"What?" She whisper-yells.

"H-he loves you? Wait, what? Do you love him?" She fires questions, and I shush her.

"He told me last night, and I did not say it back to him" I sigh and she sighs too

"Do you?" She asks. I do not know, do I? Things feel different than they felt with Chris. I do not know with Chris, it sort of felt.. forced. With Grayson.. it is... different somehow. It feels real. He is so annoying, but I think that is what draws me to him. His not giving a fuck attitude, yet he seems broken when we fight or something. It is clear that he loves me, and my heart knows that I love him too

"Yes" I say and Emilee breaks into a smile.

"Omgomgomgomgomg" She says over and over again. A voice clearing is heard and we both snap our heads over where we heard it and we both see Grayson and our eyes go wide.

"Really?" He asks. Emilee smirks and winks at me and leaves before giving Grayson pat on the shoulder.

"Y-you love me?" He asks, and I hesitantly nod.

"Are you sure?" He asks his eyes watering, and I nod

"No, say it" he demands with a hint of pleading behind his words

"Yes" I say looking into his green eyes

"Yes what?" He asks, desperate

"Yes, i am sure that I love you" his face breaks into a beautiful smile, and he comes up to me and presses his lips against mine. Our kiss is slow and passionate until he breaks it.

"I love you" he murmurs

"I love you" I say after him. It feels so right to say those words to him. It does not feel wrong in any kind. I love him and he loves me.

He smiles and kisses me again lightly and grabs my hand.

"Why did you come out here in the first place?" I ask, and he moves a strand of hair behind my ear. I blush a light shade of pink and he smiles

"Your mom told me to get you both for dinner which is going on right now, so we better go" he says and I nod. We walk inside the kitchen and everyone gets quiet and looks at us.

"Finally, y'all took for-ev-er...?" My mom drags out and stares at our hands. Grayson and I both look at each other before we turn wide-eyes at our parents, my grandparents, and a smiling Emilee and Gus.

"What is this?" My dad is the first to speak. I swallow my spit and look at my dad

"Uhm, well, uh, Grayson?" I look at him and he sighs. It's amazing how i just put Grayson on the spot right?

"Look" he starts off. Everyone raises there eyebrows waiting for this "I randomly fell in love with your daughter. I know you think I am a fucked up guy, which I am, but I love your daughter and I would never intentionally hurt her. Ever. If y'all are not okay with this, then I'm sorry but I love her to much to let her go" he says seriously making eye contact with my parents and grandparents. His parents are just smiling throughout his whole short speech. I smile at him and he looks down and returns my smile.

"Anna Nicole?" My dad questions looking for my assurance.

"I love him" I say. No, I do not have a big long speech like Grayson but my three words, eight letters, and three syllables seem to suffice and my dad nods and sits down. Everyone in the room turns to us and smiles.

"Kiss!" Gus shouts and we all laugh.

"I'm not kidding" he challenges and everyone looks at us.

"Well, let's give the kid what he wants" Grayson says and leans down to kiss me. Our lips touch, and I have get the same feeling I get each time we kiss, hug, hold hands, basically any physical contact with him, any time we talk, and every time I simply think about him.

We keep the kiss short and sweet and pull away. Everyone claps, and I blush and put my head on his chest and he kisses the top of my head.

We hear the door burst open and a out of breathe Colton rushes in with a camera. He looks at everyone in the room. Grayson and i's position and everyone looking at us, well now at Colton, as he screams in frustration


okay, i know it sounds really stupid right now at the end of the book and all, but i want you to know that i love you, and if you're going through a rough time i'm here. sometimes you need to hear that someone is there for you and that they love you. even though i probably don't know you.. i'm here. this book was here for me when i needed it, i still need someone or something right now, but please just know that at least i'm here when it feels like no one is. i love you, and wish you all the best

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