chapter 16 •

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hey me dudes, sorry I have t been updating and im sorry that the last chapter was a bit boring... this one is not very exciting too. but it is a new chapter!! it is kind of short too.. oh and my birthday is coming up to!! december 20th!! this will not be published in December though. :( but maybe it will but i am 99.9% sure it will not be. sorry ... anyways let's go on.

oh and listen to the song above. i do not know about you all, but i have a slight obsession with Adam Lambert 🤷🏻‍♀️


chapter sixteen: "if i could i would adopt Adam Lambert and give Adam away"

"Hey Anna?" Emilee says and i look over to her. She smiles sadly.

"We have to go back home" she says and i sigh.

"Noooooo! Why do you want to leave me?" i whine jokingly. I know they can not stay forever, but that would be awesome if they could.

"I don't want to, but i have to" she says and i pout.

"Okay, okay. Where is everyone?" i ask and start looking around the living room.

"Oh they left already" i jumped from the couch and started whining.

"What?" I say my eyes widening.

"Just kidding" Emilee said and i start walking towards her with a murder glare on my face.

"I will kill you Emilee" i said in a evil voice and she looks a bit scared for a second until her lips turn into a wicked grin.

Oh no

She stands still and i raise an eyebrow and she runs to me and started tickling me.

"No, no, Emilee s-stop" i stutter and she laughs and gets off of me.

"You are evil" i say and she smirks.

"So i've heard"


"We have to say bye again" i whine out loud. Why can not they stay forever?

They all say bye and hug me and get in the car, and drive off to the airport.

What do i do now?

Anything. You are alone now.

Hmm i am alone. Am i wrong?


Okay me having this mind conversation is a bit weird. Oh well...

I pulled out my phone and turn on spotify to listen to. I connect my phone to the speakers around the house and started jamming out to 'whataya want from me' by Adam Lambert. I start singing to the top of my lungs.

"Hey, slow it down
What do you want from me
What do you want from me
Yeah, I'm afraid
What do you want from me
What do you want from me"

I grab a fork from the drawer and use it as a microphone

'There might have been a time
I would give myself away
(Ooh) Once upon a time
I didn't give a damn
But now here we are
So what do you want from me
What do you want from me'

I start singing and jumping around the kitchen then i run into the living room and act like i am in a music video.

'Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, what do you want from me
What do you want from me'

I run upstairs but not forgetting to do some moves on the stairs, and i run back downstairs and act like i was in a fashion show while singing, and i did that until the end of the song.

'Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
(Whataya want from me)
Whataya want from me
whataya want from me'

I ended the song and drop to my knees on the ground in the living room. Where i entered half way through the song.

Out of nowhere laughter is heard. I snapped my head around and saw Colton and Grayson.

Why the hell are they inside my house??

It is not your house Anna Nicole.

Shut up, yes it is.

They continue to laugh and i feel my face heating up. What the hell? I NEVER blush! What is happening to me?

I quickly get up once i realize i an still on the floor. I look up at the idiots and glare at them.

"Why are you both in my house?!" i yelled at them. I can not believe they just saw me jamming out to my man Adam Lambert. If i could i would adopt Adam Lambert and give Adam Gray away.

"You-were-j-just- o-o-oh m-my g-g-god!!" Colton sputters out and falls onto the ground and Grayson is hunched over from laughing too much. Looks like i got a reaction out of him. You know besides his cocky reactions.

I groan and put my head in my hands. I feel my face heating up. I can not stand this! Why are they inside my house!?

I was just standing there for a few minutes until they realize that it is not that funny and stand like normal people and get their breathing under control.

"Well, Cupcake" Grayson starts then he holds back another laugh. I walk up to him and hit him on the head, and i give Colton a hit to. They both start laughing again and i huff and go upstairs to my bedroom.

I honestly feel like i am going to die right now.

Who does not when they got caught dancing and singing to Adam Lambert?

I flop on my bed and stay there for a few minutes until i hear a knock on my door. I groan

"Do not come in!" i yell. Well i think i yelled. My face is pushed into the pillows so it came out more like 'fu snot cofh inf' yeah something like that...

The door opened and the bed dipped. I do not need to be a rocket science to tell who it is.

"What do you want, Grayson?" i asked slightly lifting my head off the pillow to understand me.

"Oh, nothing i just got a question" he says and i humm in response.

"Oh, i just wanted to know where i can find more of your dancing and singing, hmm maybe at the local dollar tree? Oh! Maybe at the strip club where you work for tips?" he says and i fling up from my bed with my mouth hung open. What just came out of this fuckers mouth?

"What did you just say?" i asked shocked.

He smirks and gets up from the bed and starts walking towards me. I do not know what came over me but i felt courage so i did not step back. He smirks again and once he is close enough, you know personal bubble close enough, he takes more steps closer to me!

It is seriously skin on skin right now.

He pulls his hand up and puts a fallen piece of hair behind my ear and takes back his hand and reaches down to his pockets. Confused, I attempt to look down when i realize we are too close to each other. I keep on staring forward until his eyes beautiful green eyes meet mine again.

He reaches for my hand and he puts something in there and walks back to my bed and lays down.

I glance at my hand and see that he put a dollar in it.


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