chapter 8 •

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hey me dudes! what's up? i really have nothing to say so let us go on!


chapter eight: "don't be clingy, it's a turn off"

"Oh Gray!! I haven't seen you in ages!" my dearest mother gushes. Eugh! How can she like him. He is the rude boy from school.

"Oh, yeah, i've been busy" he states and scratches the back of his neck. If i was not so aggravated i would feel bad for him because my mother likes to put people in awkward positions without realising it. She did that so much when i was little and the victim would always look at me for help.

"Oh okay, well you all must be hungry. Dinner should be ready in about 15 minutes" mother dearest says. She turns to me and eyes me. "Oh, and Anna Nicole?" i look at her and wait for her to continue. "Be nice to Gray. he is quite troubled. Oh, and don't be clingy. It's a turn off" my mouth is hanging open right now.

Seriously 'don't be clingy' when am i ever?! 'It's a turn off' seriously Mother! Oh and 'he is troubled' why should i care?

"Yeah. sure, mother" i say bluntly and leave. Once i get into the hall i stop and hear someone laughing. I turn around and see the one and only Grayson.

"What are you laughing about?" i ask aggravated. What? I do not like his vibe. It is ruining the depressed one here.

"Oh nothing, but hey, don't get too close. Don't want your mommy to think your clingy towards me" oh my god. I am going to slice his throat with my finger nails.

"Oh shut up" i say and start to turn to leave, but of course i can not because this fool decides to grab my wrist. I turn around and i'm faced him.

"Do you not remember what i told you earlier today?" he asks. I really do not give a cows shit about what he said, and mostly all of our encounters i was not paying attention.

I rip my wrist from his grasp and turn to leave again. I am really not in the mood. This time i do actually leave and enter the living room. I go to a couch and sit down and Gus joins me after.

"So do you like Gray?" Gus asks me. Ew. Right before i could reply the devil comes in.

"Hey man!" Adam shouts. Oh my god. he is friends with this asshole? How could he? Shut up Anna Nicole it is not like he knows you severely dislike him.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in forever!" they do the weird bro hug thing, and sit down on a couch.

"So Anna Nicole have you met Grayson?" the traitor asks me. I simply glare at him.

"Oh, yeah, i have."i say bluntly trying not to show too much anger. Adam looks confused. While Gus looks like he is enjoying our conversation. Maybe he knows that i am aggravated... maybe. Adam was about to speak but mr. i know it all speaks up first.

"Yes, we have met. In fact we are practically best friends. We really bonded during and after school" i do not really know if my glare could get even more deadly.

"Seriously?" Adam asks stunned. I quickly say 'no' when Grayson says 'definitely' okay it is official i hate him. I know hate is a strong word but i am feeling it alright.

"Well okay then" Adam says and i look over to Gus and he looks like he is holding in a bark of laughter. How did this boy understand that i dislike him with all my heart and Adam did not?

"Kids dinner is ready!!" my mother shouts. We all get up to walk into the kitchen. Once we get in i see my father.

"Hey dad" i say. He walks over to me and ruffles my hair.

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