chapter 20 •

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hey me dudes. so i have exams coming up, and let's just say that i am terrified. anyways i have nothing to say so let's go on.


chapter twenty: i feel like shit

I grab my phone from my dresser, keys, and turn around, but not before seeing Grayson out my window. He is in his room putting on a shirt. I stand there and gawk at him. I never knew he had a six pack. Of course he would, but seeing it? Damn.

We have not talked since the day i was being stupid and told him those things that i did not mean. It has been almost a week. He did leave me alone.

He bends down and grabs his shoes and begins to put them on. I continue to stare at him once i realize i have tracked his own beautiful green eyes. His eyes meet mine and i look down feeling flustered. I quickly turn around and run out of my room, down the stairs, and run out of the house.

I see Graysons motorcycle and i sit on the curb next to it. I need to tell him sorry. It was not my plan to hurt his feelings i just did. I did not think he would care, and, well now, i feel like shit. I can not judge him off of someone else, but it still hurts.

It was almost a year ago, Anna Nicole.

Yeah i know...

Get over it.

See? Even my subconscious is telling me to get over it. I should right? I know i should but i do not think i am ready yet.

The front door of the James' house opens and i stay looking forward. I hear footsteps getting closer, then a shadow hovering over my body.

"What are you doing here?" Graysons raspy voice asked. I shrug my shoulders and look at him.

"I am sorry" i apologise.

"I don't care" he says quite rudely and my eyes widen. Of course he would not care Anna Nicole. He does not like you as a friend or a human. He has had a week to remember how rude i was. I groan at my stupid thoughts and stand up.

"Grayson i am really sorry. I should not have said those things to you. I was just taking it out my own issues on you, okay? I did not mean any of it. Please stop being pissed at me." i plead him. He looks like he is thinking then he sighs out of frustration and sits down on the curb. I hesitantly follow and sit down. Giving us a good 4 feet between us.

"Why so far?" he asks after a while of sitting in peace.

"I do not want you to jump and attack me" i say truthfully. He has not said anything so i do not know what he is thinking. He laughs slightly.

"I wouldn't do that" he says and i nod. I know he would not.

"Okay, then" i mumble and move about 2 feet closer to him.

"Why did you say it? I know it was not meant to hurt me, but it did. I actually do have feelings unlike a lot of people. I may not project them off, but they are there, trust me." he says full of honesty. I feel so bad now. Even worse than before.

"I am sorry"

"I know you are" he says arrogantly. I push his shoulder playfully and he smiles but it wipes away quickly.

"But why did you say those things?" he asks and i huff. I knew he would ask this. I do not want to tell him. Just because of reasons.

"Some things happened back in Florida that came back to me, and i just got mad i guess." i say not fully telling the truth. He nods and does not say anything. I really want to know what he is thinking right now.

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