chapter 15 •

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oh and the song above is honestly amazing and her voice is nothing compared to mine, so it is good. it is from a TV show called "glee" it is absolutely hands down amazing^^^


chapter fifteen: "do not put your fat hand on me again"

"Okay i gotta go" Ellie says and we all nod. Caden gets up too. I give her a questioning look and she sighs.

"She's my ride" she says and i say 'ohhhh' she laughs.

"Oh shit, she's my ride too" Andrew says and we all laugh at him.

"Bye guys" Caden and Ellie say in sinc and they laugh and leave. Currently Max is sleeping, and Diego and Emma is cuddled next to each other and Colton is also passed out with this head on Grayson's shoulder.

The only people who are up are me, Emilee, Adam, and Grayson. Mason and Charlotte went up to the guest bedroom because and i quote 'can not sleep on a couch'.

I am sitting on the floor with Emilee beside me and Adam on the couch watching the lion king with a intrigued expression on his face. He always liked disney movies.

Grayson suddenly disappears. I grab my water and slurp it all down then i quickly realized that, that was a bad plan. I groan

"Be right back" i say and get up. I start walking to the bathroom and i open the door. There standing is Grayson about to pull down his pants. I slap my hand over my eyes.

"Shit! sorry!" welp looks like i found Grayson. I close the door and i sit down waiting for him to finish.

He walks out of the bathroom and sees me and he smirks and sits down next to me. I raise an eyebrow.

"Well, babe. I knew you wanted me, but really? I didn't think walking into the bathroom with me, in it, was your type of thing" he says and i punch him on the shoulder.

"Damn, Cupcake" he says and rubs his shoulder. I smirk at his pain then i remember something. I punch him again and he shrieks.

"What was that for" he practically yells. I glare at him

"What the hell did you put in my hair? My hair is STILL blue after 3 weeks!" he starts laughing really loudly and i give him a look to shut up.

"I am not telling you, but it will come out, princess" he says and smirks at me, and places his hand on my knee.


My heart beat increases and i shake my head and pluck his hand off of me.

"Do not put your fat hand on me again" i say and he gasps at me.

"Oh cupcake you make my heart ache" he says and puts his hand on his heart. I huff and get up and go to the bathroom before i get to the door Grayson mutters something loud enough for me to hear.

"That blue ain't gonna come out" do not worry i am planning on killing him after i go pee.






"ANNA NICOLE!" i jolt awake and jump off of my bed and onto the ground and start looking around being very cautious. Suddenly i hear laughter. I snap my head to the right and see Grayson laughing on the ground gripping his stomach

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