Scene 13 - One day

Start from the beginning

"I'm just worried that I won't be able to accomplish my mission". I replied nervously. She looked at me and raised her eyebrow. 

"You're a bad liar Connor. You're still scared from what happened to Simon". She stated simply as she cleaned her jumper.

I sighed and nodded. I forgot that she's pretty sharp when it comes to evidence. Then something crossed my mind. "How do you know his name was Simon?" I asked in suspicious concern. 

She quickly looked up at me and stuttered. "J-just a guess. I've seen his model in the city a few times and that's usually what they're called".

Something about her answer wasn't very convincing, but my main problem now was how his death affected me. When he pulled the trigger it was like....there was nothing. Nothing after this. Is that what it's like to die? I didn't want that. I must have been too quiet as (Y/n) placed the towels on the desk as well as her police hat and grabbed my hand. She pulled me up out of the chair and started dragging my somewhere. "(Y/n), where are we going?" I asked, wondering how a five year old was pulling me across the room.

"You keep worrying about the mission way too much. I wanna show you what's outside of the investigation. No guns. No chases. No reports. Just fun!". She smiled happily and continued rushing me out the door. I don't know where we're going exactly, but hopefully it will take my mind off what happened on the Stratford rooftop.

Hank's POV

"So what you're saying is that this 'Kamski' guy might know why androids deviate"

"Exactly, Hank. This could be what we've been missing! We find out about the androids, straight from the creator, then stop what's causing them to malfunction" Jeffrey stated as he sat in his chair.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll get Connor and we can head out as soon as possible". I turned around to leave when Fowler spoke again. 

"I think you should take (Y/n) with you as well. You know... just in case she wonders off again".

I turned around. "So... you heard about that, huh?"

He nodded. "Just keep an eye on her".

I opened the door and looked around the department. I couldn't see them anywhere. I leaned back into the office. "I would.... if I knew where she was".

Jeff pinched the bridge of his nose and squinted his eyes shut, clearly annoyed. I left the office and walked up to my desk. The kids hat was left on the table along with a roll of paper towels. I picked up the the hat and looked at it. If she left it here, she can't have gone far.

"Well well, Lieutenant. Having trouble finding your plastic pet".

I huffed and looked up at his cocky expression. He was waltzing up to the desk with a cup in his hand. "The fuck do you want, Reed?" I grumbled.

"Woah, I just thought you'd like to know where tin can and the runt went. I saw 'em walking out the door just now". He roughly slapped my shoulder a few times. "It'd be a shame if she got lost again on account of 'babysitter android' of the year". He remarked quietly before he walked off and disappeared behind a corner.

"Prick..." I mumbled and straightened my jacket. I grabbed my keys from the desk as well as (Y/n)'s hat and headed towards the entrance to get to my car.

I swear when I find that fuckin' android...

Connor's POV

"Come on, Connor!"

"I'm right behind you". (Y/n) was running ahead of me on the sidewalk and jumping in excitement on the corner of the curb. I caught up with her but tried to avoid the stares from people on the street. As I walked past them, they would look at me then turned away quickly after. I didn't want to be out here. However, (Y/n) seemed happy to be outdoors and in the city. No doubt it's better in the day rather than the night. I should at least try to see things the way she does. Just for today.

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