Chapter Eight: Happier

Start from the beginning

It was Alexandria.

I shot up, and quickly threw the covers off my body, making my way out into the hallway, with my gun drawn.

Yes, I kept a fully loaded gun in my room.

But with the life I now lived, it was a necessary thing to have.

As I scanned my surroundings, I watched as the teenagers I can now consider my best friends, come out of their rooms with their guns drawn as well. We all moved in sync, our footsteps barely making a single sound on the wooden floors below us.

As we got closer to Alex and Miles bedroom, we noticed the light on and heard multiple pairs of heavy steps pacing around the room. I stopped outside the left side of the doorframe, the rest of my friends filing in either on the right side of the doorframe or behind me.

And then I pushed the door open.

I seen a sight I didn't think would be behind the door, I shoved the gun into my waist band, looking on at the scene in front of me in disbelief. Javier, Jake, and Miles were all running around the room gathering things as Alex looked to be in pain, clutching her stomach.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"The babies are coming, right now." Alex groaned out loudly, as she curled into herself, "And these idiots are running around like headless chickens."

"Uh, okay." I took a second to think.

"Luke, Max, go get the car started. Wyatt, Layla, get the baby bag put together and bring that to the car. Jamie, Kayla help get Alex to the car. I'll handle the headless chickens and get Alex's bag together." I ordered.

"Yes, boss." Max saluted.

And then everything was put into motion. Luke and Max ran downstairs, hopefully to go start the car. Wyatt and Layla ran to the baby nursery. Jamie and Kayla quickly helped pull Alex up who had just finished a contraction. I walked up to Alex and Miles' closet, grabbing a small suitcase and placing it on the bed, before going back to the closet to grab some clothes for both Alex and Miles.

I might only be fourteen, almost fifteen, but I'm a mature fourteen year old. 

And I just bossed people around like a boss. 


It was fourteen hours later that Alex had the first baby, a boy. And then four hours after that, eighteen hours of total labor, that Alex had the second baby, a girl.

I was allowed into the room as soon as Alex allowed me, which was shortly after giving birth. She smiled tiredly at me, holding a pink bundle in her arms.

"Hey sweetheart." she whispered to me.

"Hi, Alex. She's stunning." I spoke as I stared down at the sleeping baby in Alex's arms. 

"You should see him." Alex laughed.

It was silent for a few minutes before Miles came back in with a baby swaddled in blue.

"So we were thinking-" Alex spoke, "And we wanted to know if it was okay that we name our daughter, your sister, Courtney Anne, after your mother? And our son, your brother, Dylan Lance, after your father?"

"You want to name them after my parents?" I asked.

"We do." Miles confirmed, "If it's okay with you."

"It's more than okay with me." I smiled, "Can I hold one of them?"

"Of course."

"Thanks... mom..." I smiled as she handed me Courtney Anne.

As I stared at the small baby girl, Courtney Anne, in my arms, I came to an easy conclusion. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, but to learn how to dance in the rain. I've danced in the rain, I've learned to make life my own.I've learned to rejoice in the small things, because sometimes they can mean more in the end, than the big things ever do.


Author's Note -

Here's the eighth chapter of "Run-Away Little Sister: Hurting". For some reason I almost cried reading and editing it. It's different than the original, but I think that it's much better than the original. I think this is the perfect chapter.Let me know what you all think about this chapter. And make sure you all comment, vote (by clicking the star), and share this story with those who might like it.

Thank you for reading!


Original Version Published: April 17th. 2019

Edited Version Published: June 25th. 2022 

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