Chapter 13: Duel

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Link felt the wind around him calm down. He slowly opened his eyes to see if it was over. To his relief, he was standing in the town square of Delfino Plaza.

"We made it..." He whispered breathlessly.

Link took a deep breath and noticed his arms were still wrapped around Zelda's waist. He looked at her head, which was tilted to the side. He soon caught on what was up. She was unconscious.

But thankfully, this was nothing to worry about, since Zelda said that she would only be unconscious temporarily. She just needs to rest and recover.

Link nodded to himself and carried Zelda bridal style. He took a deep breath and looked around, thinking about what else to worry about.

His eyes widened when he realized what he nearly forgot.


Just as he was about to run, he felt someone tap his back. Link turned around and looked down to see a Pianta dressed up in a safari outfit, with a camera around his neck... or wherever the neck is supposed to be.

"Heya there! Sorry to disturb but I have a favor to ask!" The short guy greeted. 

Link looked around while tapping his foot, sighing. Not wanting to be rude, he replied, "okay, but please make it quick, I'm in a hurry."

The Pianta nodded! "Ok! My name is Carl, and I'm a journalist! I went to the entrance of Corona Mountain to record an entry, but suddenly, I heard screaming and something along the lines of 'Peach stop'... something like that..."

Link's eyes widened.

"Yea! I was gonna go and investigate, but then I got to scared, so would you go instead of me? You look brave and I just though I could ask you."

Link nodded frantically, "Actually, thank you for telling me that! I will gladly go investigate," Not even a second later, Link sprinted off in the direction of a Corona Mountain, with Zelda still in his arms.

As Link thought about it, he came to the conclusion that it was better not to take Zelda, worrying that if he took his eyes off her for a second, something could go terribly wrong and he didn't even want to think about it.

So instead, he dropped her off at the hotel, leaving her a note;

Hey baby,

I found out that Peach must be in Corona Mountain, and things didn't sound so good there. 

I decided to leave you here to recover and stay safe.

Once you feel better, you can come to Corona Mountain.

I would tell you to stay at the hotel for your safety, but I know how much you hate to just sit on the side while everyone fights, and I know you'll want to come anyways.

And plus, you'd kick my ass if I didn't tell you where everything's happening.


Link ❤️

Link placed one last kiss on Zelda's forehead, before running off.


Peach stood up, admiring how Lucina looked. She was extremely pale from all the blood loss, her hair was all over the place, tangled, and the sundress she wore was torn, dirty, and full of blood. Her eyes were closed, and her dry lips were slightly parted, tear stains visible on her cheeks.

"Well, there goes my toy."

Robin now looked at Peach, not with sadness, but with pure fury, "Your toy?! Your toy!? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?!"

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