Chapter 17: Staged

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Pansy's POV (Rare)

I ran down an empty hallway. I then hear voices. I stop and turn my head around to where the voices were.

The Cho girl was pulling the Weasley by the tie. I smirk as she pushes him up against the wall and starts kissing him roughly.

Plan worked, I thought as I head to the Astronomy tower.

As I walk up the stairs, I glance around to look for someone. Then, I see a hint of red hair. I smile.

"Hey, Wealsette."

The redhead turned around. "Pansy."

I walk over to her and pull out 10 galleons out of my pocket. She holds out her hand. My smile turns into a smirk.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, not yet," I say as I drop the galleons back into my pocket. "I need you to do one more thing."

The she-Weasley rolls her eyes. "What is it?"

I whisper the task in her ear. She winces.

"Are you serious?!"

I nod.

She sighs and looks out at the dark grey clouds. She then nods.


I smirk.


Harry's POV 

Draco and I were eating lunch in the Great Hall with Hermione. Ginny, Pansy, and Ron (Hermione just rolled her eyes and scoffed) weren't there for breakfast or lunch. I look at Draco and widen my eyes. He just shrugs. I continue eating.

When we finished our lunch, Draco headed for the bathroom while a Hermione and I walked to Transfiguration. We saw Cho pulling Ron by his tie as we passed. Ron just glares at us. Hermione glares back. A tear fell down her face but she quickly wiped it off.

"Sorry." she sighs.

"Don't be." I reply.

"Have you figured out where we are going to live yet?" She asks.

I look ahead of us. "No. I'll ask Draco."

Hermione just nods.

"We're about to leave Hogwarts." I sigh. "I'll miss it."


"Hermione, do you think Ginny has been spreading the rumors?" I blurt out suddenly.

She looks at me the way Draco looked at me when I told him. Disbelief.

"No. Why would you think that? Me and her are best friends."

"But," I protest "if the rumors include me getting hurt or something, she wouldn't care as much, would she?"

Hermione sunk into her own thoughts. "I- I don't-"

"I'm just asking." I say.

She sighs. Then after a long minute of walking, she says "I hate Ron."

I look at her. "I think our dear reader here knows, Hermione." (A/N: #fourthwallbroken)

"No, I'm serious. That idiot thinks I was cheating on him?! Oh, please! I bet he's telling Cho how much of a 'psychopath' I am....."

I see a glint of red hair on my left. I stop and turn around. Nothing.

"-and he thinks that he's the good guy?! Oh Merlin, no-" 


"-I bet he's better off with that Cho woman. I feel bad for her. She doesn't know what she's getting into-"

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