Chapter 11: Rumors

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Draco's POV

Dear Mother,

Things are going well. Harry is fine. But I sometimes think that he thinks he should've rejected me. Sometimes, I think he hates me, even if he says no if I ask. Sometimes, I think he likes the Weaslette still. Sometimes, I feel like he wishes I would die. I don't know what to do. Please help me, mother.


I sigh and tie the letter to the owls foot. I watch as the dark grey owl flew into the darkness. 

Everything I wrote in the letter was true. I'm not sure if Harry likes me; let alone loves me. Of course, I'm overprotective and embarrassing as fuck but, hey, I'm a veela.

I just think that Harry still doesn't understand.

I hear the door open. I look up. 

"Hey, Draco."

"Harry," I smile, walking over to him. He sat on the bed. His eyes were an indigo color.

"You all right?" I asked worriedly.

Harry just sighed and stared at the ceiling.

"Ginny will never forgive me."

I look down. See? Exactly what I thought. "Oh."

Harry looked at me. His eyes were now a clear orange. "Can I tell you something?"

I look up at Harry. "Yeah, sure."

"H-Hermione's -" He started.


"Never mind." Harry says, shaking his head.

"What? Tell me!"

"No, she told me not to tell anyone, even you."

I frowned.

Harry's eyes turned purple. "No, Draco, I mean- she trusts you- I trust you-"

"Yeah, whatever." I say. "Just go to sleep."

"I'm serious, Draco. I-"

"Go. To. Sleep."

Harry sighed and slid himself under the sheets. I rolled my eyes and followed.


As we walked into the Great Hall (not hand in hand, Harry tried to grab mine, how ironic) people were staring at us like how they did for the past 2 days. Except the fact that no one was laughing. It was just whispering.

I frown. What's going on?

As I sat down next to Harry, Ron looked at us with his eyes widened. Hermione was not there.

"What's going on?" Harry asked Neville, taking the words right out of my mouth.

Neville gulped and said "There's a rumor going on that says you are cheating on Draco."

I froze. "What?!" Me and Harry gasped at the same time.

"People are saying that Harry is cheating on Draco with Hermione. And people are saying that Harry just wants to get revenge on Draco for all those years of bullying."

Harry sighed and walked out of the Great Hall. I stared at Neville for a minute, then followed.

Harry was in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, washing his face. His glasses were broken and on the ground. He was crying.

"Harry..." I started.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Harry yells, wheeling around to face me.

"Are those rumors true?"

He froze. "No."

"Harry James Potter, are those rumors tru-"

"NO!" He screams and throws his tie to the floor. "NO! THEY ARE NOT! MERLIN, DRACO, I JUST WISH YOU WOULD UNDERSTAN-"

"So this is my fault now?!" I yell. "You can't even trust me, but you can share the same room with me?"

Harry was huffing madly. "You know what?! Sometimes, I wish you weren't alive! I wish I rejected you! I wish I would've left you in that fire! You're so annoying and  embarrassing and overprotective. I'd rather be with Ginny!"

My world fell. I felt like I was being crumpled up like a worthless piece of trash. Tears were falling down my face, but I didn't care. I just ran to the Room of Requirements, awaiting my death because of Harry's words.



I-I'm speechless.

When I wrote this chapter in my book, I read it so many times. XD

No message here today, sry.

Love u stars. ✨

Love Harry and Ship Drarry. 🏳️‍🌈


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