Chapter 5: Disconnected

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Harry's POV


Draco growled (yes, growled) and turned around. Ron and Hermione were standing in front of the door. Ron's face was white as a ghost, and Hermione was just staring at me and Draco in shock.

"What the bloody hell is going on, Harry?!" Ron cried.

"Malfoy?.." Hermione squeaked nervously. She seemed to be lost for words. She then just sits down on a desk quietly.

"And you never told me you were gay?" Ron says, a little angry and hurt. "I would've accepted!"

I just look down at the ground while Draco pulls him closer to me. I look him in the eyes. They were blazing orange, like a fire.

There was and awkward silence.

"Ahem," Ron cleared his throat, still a little annoyed. I jumped at the sudden noise. "Are we going to talk about Malfoy and Harry's eyes or are we going to get caught by Mr. Filch?" He says.

Hermione snapped out of thought. "Oh right. Harry, do you know that Malf-"

"-oy is a veela." I finish. "And I'm his mate."

Hermione nodded impatiently. "Yes. Your eyes are orange because that's the color of Malfoy wings. Your eyes also change color because of your mood."

At this, I looked at Hermione with curiosity. Mood? 

"For example; if you are mad your eyes would turn red. If your sad, your eyes will turn blue. And if you just feel normal, your eyes will be orange. Malfoy is connected to you, since you are his mate, so whenever you feel happy, sad, or if you possibly get hurt, Malfoy feels it, too. Malfoys eyes also change color depending on his and your mood.

"Another thing you should know, Harry, is that if you leave Ma-"

"Please, call me Draco." Draco says. 

Hermione smiles at Draco for a quick second. "Is that if you leave Draco, he will feel what's a word?"

Ron thought for a moment. "Disconnected."

"Disconnected." Hermione repeated. 

I look at Hermione again but not with curiosity, but with disbelief. "How am I supposed to go to the bathroom?"

At this, Hermione laughs. "No Harry, you are allowed to go to places when you need to, such as class and the Gryffindor table at lunch, but if you stay away from Draco for a long amount of time, he will feel very disconnected," (Ron smiles at the word he gave Hermione) "from you, and he will feel like all is lost."

I sigh. "Wow." I say. "This is confusing."

"That's what I thought," Draco says. I look into his eyes once again. He smiles and I smile back. 

Hermione just looks at us and sigh in awe. Ron makes a little gagging noise.

"Well then," Hermione says, standing up and turning to the door.We better get to dinner, Ron, right?"

Ron faced the door also. "Yeah."

"Wait." I say.

Hermione turns around.

"Are me and Draco.....s-sleeping together?"

Hermione smacked her forehead. "Oh right. Yes. But I will have to tell Professor McGonagall. You guys will have to sleep in the Room of Requirements."

"Why?" Me and Draco say at the same time.

"Because," Hermione says like its the most obvious thing ever "Harry, the Gryffindor Boyd won't like it so much when they find a Slytherin boy sleeping beside you. Same goes to Draco, with the Slytherin's."

I sigh again. "Right."

"Me and Ron are going to go to eat and then talk to the Professor," Hermione says, grabbing Ron's hand. "While you guys go to the Room of Requirements."

So we all left the small, old classroom and hurried off different directions.


Me and Draco slump onto the bed in front of us. The room that we were in was red and green, with a lion on the red side and a snake on the green side. There were two tables on the far left and right to where the colored sides were, and in the very middle was a huge bed with red and green pillows and a blanket that was labeled: HP AND DM . (A/N: Sorry guys I don't have a picture.)

Draco sat up and scooted himself up to where the pillows were; me following and doing the same thing. Draco slides underneath the blanket while I face the opposite way of him and slide underneath the sheets, too.


I turn to face Draco. His eyes were light blue.

I scoot closer to him so that our noses were centimeters away from each other. "What's wrong?"

"You don't hate me, right?" 

"Of course not."


Dracos eyes then turn into the normal shade of orange that I like the most. I smile and Draco smiles back. We both locked eyes with each other, like we did earlier ago....we didn't even realize we were leaning earlier ago...our noses were now touching.....

"HARRY!" A voice yells from across the huge room. Me and Draco shot up from under the sheets to look in front of us.

Hermione was standing there, a little pink in the face. "The Professor says you can stay here, but you need to eat."

"Okay," Draco answers for me. 

Hermione stalks away, whispering rapidly to herself.

I blush profusely and cover my shoulders with the sheets again. Draco does the same and buries his face in my neck.

"Goodnight, Harry."

"Goodnight, Draco."


Was that good?

I don't really know.

Eh. I'm not really much of a describer but....I try.

Vote? Probably

I love y'all stars ✨

Love Harry and ship Drarry ❤️


"Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love."

-Albus Dumbledore

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