Chapter 16: Hurt

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Harry's POV

I was walking to the Gryffindor common room to meet Hermione again. I saw her laying fine in the carpet in front of the fireplace. She was snoring softly along with the sounds of the crackling noise of the fire.

I slowly walk over to her. I lay down next to her.

"Hermione?" I whisper, trying to wake her up.

"Hmm?" She moans sleepily.

"Wake up."

She yawns and sits up. "Hello, Harry."

I smile. I'm still sitting next to her. "Hello."

She stretches her arms. "What do you need?"

I close my eyes. "ItoldDracoyoursecretbecauseItrusthim."

Hermione's eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

I sigh. "I told Draco your secret because I trust him."

She doesn't respond. She just stared blankly at me.

"I- uh - eh- Drac- ugh."

I pinch my nose bridge. "I'm sorry, alright?"

She stays silent.


I see tears falling down her face. I pull her into a hug.

"What if Ron finds out?"

"What if I found out what?"

Hermione and I quickly turn around to see Ron standing there, looking beet red.

"So I get it," he says. "The rumors are true. You're cheating on me."

Hermione just stares at him. I spoke up.

"Ron, its-"

"I saw what I saw, Harry!" Ron yells. "I trusted you! Hermione," he turns to face her. "The rumors are true. You're cheating on-"

"SAYS THE IDIOT THAT'S DATING CHO!" Hermione sobs angrily. "Yeah, that's right, Ron. I saw you smiling and laughing with her the other day, I saw you two sharing looked with each other, for Merlin's sake, I SAW YOU KISS HER!

"Those rumors aren't true, but Harry and Ginny are the only people I trust now and- there's no point now. I'm just going to say it."

Hermione turns to look at me. I look back at her. I nod. Her Ione turns her head slowly to look at Ron.

"Well?!" Ron yells impatiently. "What is it!? What do you have to tell-"

"Alright.....I'm- Lesbian."

Ron's eyes widened. "WHAT!?"

"I SAID IM LESBIAN GODDAMNIT!" Hermione screams so loud the whole school could've heard. "TELL ANYONE YOU WANT, RON! GO!"

Ron just stood there, looking stunned.

"LEAVE!" Hermione screeches.

Ron just glares at us and stalks off. Hermione continued her weeping. I pulled her into another hug.


I walked into the familiar scarlet and green room and see Draco sitting on the bed, lost in thought. I sigh and sit next to him.

"Hey," I greet. I lay my head on his shoulder.

He turns to look me in the eyes and frowns. "What's wrong?" I then told him about what happened earlier and his eyes turned red.

"Oh," he says, standing up. "That motherfu-"

"Draco," I whined. "Please don't kill him."

"Why not?" Draco growls. "He hurt your best friend."

I sighed and placed my hands onto his. "Please. Hermione can fight herself back up. She always does."

Draco just sighs, sits back down, and continues thinking.

I look at his milky white eyes. "White eyes suit you." Draco just chuckles softly in response.

"Whatcha thinking?" I ask, playing with his fingers.

"Pansy apologized to me this morning," he says. "It was obviously fake, though. She laughed when I was leaving."

"So what are you thinking?"

"Why would she be apologizing to me in the first place?"

I sunk into my own thoughts. Draco looks at me and smiles.

"White suits you, too."

"Thanks," I say. I then remember Ginny. "Ginny gave me a guilty look yesterday when I was meeting up with Hermione."

Draco stays quiet. Then, after a minute or so, he says "Do you think Pansy has been spreading the rumors and Ginny knows but never bothered to tell you?"



"I think Pansy and Ginny are both spreading the rumors."

Draco looks at me in disbelief. "Ginny would never hurt Hermione, though."

"Yeah, but if I'm included, would it really matter to her?" I ask.

Draco's eyes turn red but then quickly turn white again. "You're right, you're right....."

I lay down. "Can we go to sleep?" I yawn.

"Sure, pet." Draco smirks.

I look up at him and cringe. "What?"


"What the fuck is that?"

"It's a nickname, idiot."

"Then can I call you ferret?"


I smirk. "Goodnight, ferret."

"Oh, shut up," Draco sighs and slumps onto the bed. I chuckle and crawl next to him.



What's good? 

I'm sorry. I'm so cringey.


I'm probably  not going to write more chapters this week because of a specific reason I have to deal with.

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Love Harry and Ship Drarry 🏳️‍🌈💕


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

-Eleanor Roosevelt

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