Chapter 6: Wings

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Dracos POV

"That Weaslette bitch can say anything she wants," I say to a sad looking Harry "but you were meant for me."

Harry sighed. Harry told me about telling Ginny that he was gay. She thought Harry loved her. Ha! As if!

"Please don't call her a bitch, Draco." He says.

"Sorry," I say, pulling Harry onto my lap. "But if she has a problem with you being gay, I will hex her."

Harry bit his lip, which I thought looked cute on him. I looked into his eyes. They were a mixed blue with purple. He's sad and worried.  I sigh and hug him.

He then buries his face in my lap and sniffs my scent. He sighs of awe and I smile.

Suddenly, Hermione walks in.

"I just got- oh." She says and smiles at us on the bed.

"Yes, Hermione?" Harry says sleepily.

"Professor McGonagall says you guys still get to go to class."

"You hear that?" I say to Harry. "We gotta go."

Harry pouts but then says "Fine."

Hermione walks away to whatever class she had while I headed for the bathroom to change. I was taking off my shirt when Harry walked in.

He blushed furiously. "Oh, sorry Draco."

I smirk. "No its fine."

I took my shirt off completely. Harry's eyes widened.

I smirked more. "Like what you see?"

Harry rolled his eyes and left the bathroom. I shook my head, smiling.


"Mr. Malfoy and Potter," Professor Flitwick says, eyes cold. "Please sit down. You are late. 5 points from Gryffindor and Slytherin."

"But Professor-" Harry began, but the Professor shook her head. "No buts, Harry. Sit."

Harry slumped onto his chair and I sat next to him. I heard some snickering behind us. I looked back and glared at the lot. Pansy was frowning. I knew why.


"Hey, Drake....." Pansy says in her usual giggly tone. I sigh. Can she ever leave me alone? I thought.

"Hey Pansy."

She sits next to me, almost on my lap. Her hand is on my shoulder. "Whatcha doing?"

"Pansy, I gotta tell you something." I say suddenly. Pansy smiles.

"What is it?"

"I-please don't judge me for this."

Pansy looks at me with a weird expression on her face. "Why would I be ma-"

"I'm pansexual."

Pansy's smile drops. "What?!"

"I'm pansexual." I repeat. "Please, Pansy. Don't tell anyone. I only trust you. Please...."

Pansy looked mad and sad at the same time. Then, she finally said "Fine," and stormed out of my room, angrily.


I sigh. Then, I grab Harry's hand from under the table. He gave a little gasp at the sudden motion, but smiled nervously when he realized it was just me.

There were giggles everywhere. Finally, after Harry raised his hand to ask a question, someone snorted. Ginny. Ugh.

I couldn't take it anymore. My wings shot out from my back. There were gasps around the class room, but I didn't care. Instead, I headed for Ginny.

"What's so funny?" I ask her, pissed.

Ginny looked scared. "Nothing."

"Really?" I say. "Because you just snorted in front of the whole entire class so loudly, so I think something is extremely funny."

Ginny stayed quiet.

"I thought so," I sneer, turning around to Harry. Harry's eyes were red and pink.

"Out." Professor Flitwick says, gesturing to the door. "Out, Mr. Potter and Malfoy, out!"

Me and Harry walk outside. I turned to look at Harry.


"You need to learn to control yourself, Draco!" Harry says, eyes completely red now. "Ginny was fine, I can handle it! You don't need to interrupt the whole class with threatening someone who only just snorted!"

"Harry, she was probably laughing at-"

"I don't care, Draco!" Harry said, eyebrows furrowed. "You think I would've gotten used to being laughed at because of you?"

At this, Harry's words hurt me. My eyes become blue.

"I was just trying to protec-"

"I can take care of myself!" Harry yells, his voice echoing across the empty hallway. "I don't need your protection!"

"But," I say "Veelas-"

"Oh for Merlins sake, Draco!" Harry yells. "Do you think I give a fuck?! Do you think I give a fuck about veelas right now?! Huh!?"

I was on the edge of crying. I was about to punch Harry, but I couldn't. Instead, I just ran to the nearest bathroom. I don't hear footsteps behind me. I don't hear anything. I just hear my sniffing in the empty bathroom. I go to the sink and look at my reflection. My eyes are a dark shade of blue. My hair was all messy. My shirt was ripped because of my wings. My wings. My wings were a shade of orange, kind of like a barn owl and a fire color. I traced the feathers of my wings and sighed. Tears started streaming dow-


Malfoys don't cry. Malfoys fight for what they have to fight for. Malfoys aren't weak.


No. I am not.

I walked out of the bathroom, heading for the Room of Requirements.


Hey you.

Yes, you.


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Love Harry and ship Drarry ❤️


"The world isn't split into good people and death eaters."

~Sirius Black

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