Chapter 28

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      Still Kayla's P.O.V

I woke up on the couch that was in the house me and Tierra brought. I sit up and think of the things that happened last night. I hurry up to shower and get dressed remembering that I had to be there to see Ms.Rosales at the clubhouse. After getting dressed I walk into the kitchen and seen the crew sitting around eating their breakfast. Tej looks up and sees me. "Hey what are you doing here?" I walk towards the food and start fixing my plate. "I mean it is my house. But I'm here cuz I don't wanna be around Jax." Everyone looks at me. "Chica what happened when we left you two were all honeymoon phase?" Letty asks so I sit down and tell them everything that happened last night while eating my bacon and eggs. "I think you did right by coming here." Mia tells me. "Why is she right it ain't like she caught Jax doing something with the girl" Brian asks I put my piece of bacon down and look at Brian. "So if Mia's ex came to win her back and got ass naked you wouldn't feel some type of way if she stared at his dick." I ask Brian he got quiet. "Yeahhh I do see your point now." He says rubbing the back of his neck. I look at the time and see it's almost time for me to meet Ms. Rosales. "I got shit to take care of so do whatever you guys would do on a day off." I say finishing my bacon. Ten minutes later I am walking into the clubhouse and I see Tierra and Opie sitting together so I go and sit with them. "Ms.Rosales come yet or is she still on her way?" I ask Tierra causing her and Opie to look  in my direction. "She's on her way now she had to get a bigger car for her surprise for us plus her security. What's up with you and Jax he came to our room drunk off his ass and slept on the floor?" I shake my head. "He probably got drunk cuz I said I wasn't sleeping in the bed with him cuz he was staring at Tara's naked body for too long." I tell them watching the door. "Well maybe you should talk to him and sort it out." Opie says taking a sip of his beer. "Yeah maybe you guys should talk right now." She says getting up with Opie and leaving. Not long after Jax takes Tierra's seat across from me and looks at me. "Darlin are you still mad at me? You know I don't want her right? She's just someone from my past and that's where she should stay in the past. I don't want her to come in between what we got going on. I love you." He says and I try not to smile when he says I love you to me. He reaches across the table and grabs my hand. "I already seen you half smile Darlin." He says with a little bit of a smile. "I hate that you won me over so easily. I wanted to be mad for a little longer." Jax pulls me up and sits me in his lap. "Well I'm glad cuz I don't like you being mad at me I didn't even sleep in our bed last night." I put my head on his shoulder. "Well we'll be in the bed tonight but we probably won't be sleeping." I say smirking, he pulls back and looks at me eyebrows raised. I smile and then kiss him. The kiss soon turns into a makeout session. "Well would ya look at that. They went from being separated to getting ready to make a porn flick in less than 24 hours." Tig tells Chibs as they walk in the room. I peck Jax one more time then put my head on his shoulder. "Listen that's just what we do besides that wasn't bad for our first fight." I say taking a sip of Jax's beer. We continue talking for a while until Ms.Rosales comes in with a bodyguard named Uvogin or Uvo for short.(If you know where I got the name you are a real one) "My son Uvo is still around." I say causing the guys to look towards them. Uvo gives me a hug and smiles at me. "Kayla I can only assume your still breaking laws." Before I can reply Tierra comes back in the room. "Is that Uvo I see?" She runs and gives him a hug. "Talk about family reunion." I say. We introduce Uvo to the guys and get ready to take Ms. Rosales to Maria when another bodyguard brings in a sword I haven't seen in many years. I stop and look at her. "Wait I know that sword anywhere you mean to tell me maria is going to perform seppuku?" I say a bit loud. "That hasn't been done in about 15 years. If it has it's been done undocumented." Tierra says. We're outside of Maria's cell still wondering it that's what going to happen. "Wait what's seppuku?" Clay asks. "Seppuku is an ancient punishment that originated in Asia during dynasty days. The person that did an unforgivable act would be forced to perform seppuku in front of a crowd. The person would take a sword and stab themselves then drag it from side to side. It later became a way for France soldiers to punished if trying to run away from a war or battle. When the soldiers stopped people in the crime life adapted it. Which is why it's surprising because the last documented seppuku performance in a mafia was 15 years ago. And yes mafias document those who have performed seppuku. Essentially Ms.Rosales isn't killing Maria. Maria is killing herself we only intervene if Maria survives." I explain to them. They all look at Ms. Rosales "Who is she gonna perform it in front of?" She looks at them then us. "You boys can watch but myself and the twins must be there being that we are the ones she has wronged." Tierra gets the keys to Maria's chains and we go inside the cell while the boys watch from outside. Maria looks up and is shocked to see her mom. "Mom what are you doing here? You called my mom? Why would you do that?" I can feel myself starting to get mad. "You have broken the rules of the mafia. Do you have any idea would couldn't happened because of you reckless actions. There could've been a war been us and the mafia. Thousands of lives would've been lost because you wanna chase dick. Your mother raised you in this life along with us the rules should be basically in graves in your head by now." I say walking up to her unlocking her chains. "Your mother is here not as your mother but as the most feared mafia leader. Therefore it was only right she issue your punishment." Tierra says we stand to the side and Ms.Rosales walks up to Maria and slaps her. "Foolish girl I know what love is and what you did was no out of love it was out of lust. Therefore your punishment will serve a just one." I walk out take the sword from the bodyguard and bring it to Ms.Rosales. Maria looks at me then the sword then to her mom. "Mom no please I'll do anything, anything but that. I'm sorry please don't make me do it please." She cries as she see she is getting no where with her mom she looks at me. "Kayla please I made a mistake it won't happen again please don't make her do this to me." I look at her like she is crazy and hand the sword to Tierra. I squat down to her level. "Was it a mistake when you were kissing Shaw blocks away from out confidential base. Was it a mistake when you faked as if you captured Shaw when you had another plan in mind. Was it a mistake when you then decided to work for his brother. How about when you decided to give me a seizure. Or when you shot at me and my sister multiple times. Tell me what was the mistake?" I ask her looking her in the eyes as she cried. She grabs my arms as I stand up straight. "Kayla all of it was a mistake I'm truly sorry. I was blinded by-" Maria's mom then cuts her out "ENOUGH I'm tired of you making excuses for your careless actions you are my daughter but these two are also like daughters to me. They know the rules just as well as you do and if they were in your position they would be getting the same punishment. So I , Carla Rosales of the Rosales mafia hereby issue you Maria Rosales to perform seppuku as punishment for breaking mafia laws." Maria screams as she cries hearing her mom finalize the punishment. Tierra unscathed the sword and gives Maria the sword we all step back and watch as she unwillingly performs seppuku. Five minutes later we walk out in silence.

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