Chapter 12

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                 Kayla's P.O.V
Everyone pulls into the lot of Teller-Morrow. Gemma comes outside looks over Clay and Jax then turns to us. She walks up to us, sees my shoulder and hits me in the back of the head. "Didn't I tell you to be careful?" I look at her confused. "No you didn't." "Well I was thinking it. Anyway come inside and introduce me to your friends while I fix that shoulder." We walk inside. "I see ya livin it up in this place. A place to stay free food and alcohol." Roman says "Speaking of food can we get some?" Tierra asks "Sis when I tell you, you just read my mind." I say as I sit on the table. "Before we get off topic Gemma meet my family Brian,Mia,Letty, Dom, Roman, and Tej. Guys this is Gemma, Clays old lady." I say pointing to them as I said a name. "Babe I think the bullet is still in your shoulder." Jax says as he wipes blood away looking for an exit wound. "Wait, wait, wait did he just say BABE? When did that happen? Or was this going on the two weeks he was try to get at you?" Tierra asks looking at me. "Actually no it happened before I got the call from Hector. Does that answer all your questions?" I say laughing a little but wince when Gemma pulls the bullet out. "Yeah I got one.. did he smack the ass or did he grab and hold it." Tej asks as him and Roman high five while Dom and Brain smile.Mia and Letty shake their head at the two while Gemma and the rest of the guys laugh. "That's a question I'll give you the answer to when I find out myself." I say as I move my eyebrows up and down then look back at Jax. He shakes his head then kisses me as he walks to the bar. "So Brian, Mia how is my nephew?" "He's doing great but is wondering when his aunts are going to come play with him again." Mia tells me. "We're definitely coming to see my baby again." Tierra tells them. We sit around and catch up some more til they decide to leave and get some rest. "Oh guys here these are the keys to our house ya can stay there til this mess is over." I toss the keys to Brian as Tierra gives Dom directions. They leave and me and Tierra go to the bar. "So you and Jax huh?" She smiles "So you and Opie huh?" I smile back she turns her head away from me. " Nahhh, tell me what's going on with that are ya together or what." She turns back "I don't know like we kiss and stuff in private but act friendly in public so it's complicated." She shrugs. "Well if you need me to talk to him let me know but for now I'm gone go figure out if Jax smacks the ass or does he grab and hold it." I tell her "Ew I totally didn't need to know that but don't be too loud." She tells me as I walk away and up to Jax room.
Yes I know this is kinda short but I got some good stuff coming
Don't for get to vote and comment guys ✌🏽✌🏽

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