Chapter 16

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              Kayla's P.O.V
I woke up in Jax bed and seen that Jax wasn't there. After showering and getting dressed I walked downstairs. Soon as I walk outside the clubhouse I felt two little hands hitting my leg. I look down to see my little nephew jack. "AK, AK UP PICK UP!!!" Jack yells when he sees me. I pick him up and start smiling at him. "Oh my god jack you've gotten so big. Give AK a kiss. I say and turn my face so he could kiss my cheek.
                 No Ones P.O.V
Jax looks up from the car he's working on with Opie and sees Kayla playing with Jack. Opie looks to see why Jax stopped working and see Kayla with the baby. "Dude this is twice I've caught you openly staring at her." Jax looks at Opie whose smirking at him. "What you thinkin about bro." Opie says. "I've never seen her smile like that before. Like she smiles when she around me but never that bright." Jax says to Opie. "That's because she only smiles like that around kids. She loves kids." Dom says walking to the tools box. He turns and looks at them. "Both of them never smile as bright like that unless they are around kids. Tierra hopes someday to be able to live in a house with a husband and kids and all that good stuff while Kayla has come to terms that she might not get out of the life we live. Kayla is happy to be around kids but is scared to have her own being that she's had no motherly figure growing up and thinks that she might repeat the cycle." The guys look at each other then back to Dom. "Kayla's not like that she would never do what her mother did." Jax says. "I know that, you know that, she probably knows that, but she still has that fear she'd somehow be a bad mother. I saw how you looked at her with my nephew, you want to start a family with her my advice to you is ease her into the idea of it." The boys continue their talk not knowing that Tierra heard the whole thing. She walks to Kayla who is on the ground playing with Jack and his cars. "Sis let's talk real quick." Tierra says. "If this is about the whole mom thing then there's nothing to talk about." Kayla says without looking up. "It's not about that but it is about something that we always said we wanted." Kayla looks up at her. "We've said we wanted a lot of things." "But the ultimate one we want... kids" Kayla gives a small smile and looks back down. "What about them?" "Well how would you feel if I told you that Jax was thinking about having kids with you?" Kayla pauses and looks up at Tierra. "I mean I'd probably be happy but think about how we would be able to raise a kid in this life." "Well I guess you're happy cuz I overheard him, Opie and Dom talking about it a few minutes ago." Kayla starts smiling "There's something about Jax I've never felt this way about someone before. I've never even told anyone besides you and the crew that I love them. Now here I am telling him I love him and thinking about having kids with him." Tierra looks at her sister happy that her sister is finally happy in a relationship. "Well maybe after we finish dealing with this Shaw business he'll put one in you. Knowing us one will be two." "I'd love to have twins." Kayla says smiling. "Also we've gotta pick up our surprise for the crew and mc tonight." Kayla says reminding me. Kayla picks up a sleeping jack and walks inside with Tierra getting ready to pick up the surprise for the group.

Ak is what jack calls Kayla it stands for auntie Kayla
Thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment and also message me if you have ideas for the story.✌🏽✌🏽

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