Chapter 26

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"You can't be serious right now". 

"What? I don't think it's a crime". 

"Abby it's a crime to ship Barry and Iris together". I rolled my eyes at Catherine's comment. Has she not read DC comics?

"You're just going based of the show. After you read DC comics I'm pretty sure you'll ship Barry and Iris". We've been watching the Flash for the last hour, and have been arguing over who we ship Barry Allen with. 

"In all seriousness I would ship Barry with myself, but how can you not ship him with Felicity". I lost it right there. You can't tell me you don't Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak. 

"Felicity and Oliver are perfect together you can't ship her with anyone else. It just wouldn't make sense". 

"Have you read DC comics? Oliver Queen ends up with Black Canary". 

"Whatever I thought you said you didn't read DC comics?". Doesn't matter I will always ship Felicity and Oliver. They're not my otp, but they are up there.

"I still have some knowledge about it. Anyways you're suppose to be relaxing not getting into arguments". Catherine did have a point. It's been two days since Logan truth crushed me, and this whole Paul thing came about. I still have no idea how I'm going to go to Paul's "impress his boss party thing" when I'm not speaking to Logan. 

Now I know you're probably saying you should forgive him. I have it's just sucky to know that we started a relationship based off of jealously, and a lie. Not that I expected him to tell me how he felt about me, but no sctrach that I did. I had the courage to, and there were no lies behind it. 

"It's hard not to get into arguments over relationships when your own relationship is on a lifeline". I haven't heard from Logan since. I know he's just giving me space, and I know I'm going to have to talk to him eventually. 

"It's alright you have ever right to be upset, but I know how much you love him. If you want things to work out you're going to have to talk to him. Especially since Paul's event is coming up, and he still has this massive crush on you". I still couldn't wrap that around my head about Paul liking me even when I did. I have no idea if that made sense, but that just proves how oblivious I am to this. 

What made it worse were all of Paul's concerning texts. It's like it was getting worse.

"Yeah I know I might call him today I think two days is long enough". Two days is torture I have to call him today. 

"Well whatever your decision is I have your back. Now can we go through one show without having an argument over who we ship?". 

"I can't make any promises". 


Having a weekend of drama while watching tv drama didn't get Logan off my mind. Especially since I forgot to call him yesterday. After watching the Flash my paper on Shakespeare wasn't going to do itself. So I had to pull an all nighter, and be a good college student. 

But I finished classes for today, and I'm definitely going to call him today. Actually I'm going to call him right now, but first I need my vanilla latte. I walked in the Cafe, and ordered my latte. I found a booth nearby the window, but without looking up I bumped into a sturdy structure. 

I think you can guess by now that it was a person, and who it was. Looks like I don't have to make a phone call after all. 

I looked up, and was thrown in Logan's sea green eyes, and felt the warmth that I missed these past three days. I was also shocked, but then again we always run into each other at this cafe. 

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