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  • इन्हें समर्पित: lilarmin

This story is made up some of what is said is from what I know just wanted to let you guys know hope you enjoy :)


*5 years ago*

Crisp autumn air with drops of rain gently hit the fragile colorful leaves. Puddles splashed under my feet as I walked to my school bus stop. My stomach filled with jitters as I step onto the big yellow bus ready to start a new chapter in my life. High school. I enter the bus to find it filled with loud, rowdy students who looked like upperclassman.

Finding no other seats except for one in the front, I plopped myself down and grabbed my mp3 from my backpack, plugging my earphones in my ear. After a good two minutes our bus driver made one last stop and what I saw enter our bus absorbed every bone in my body.

He had copper hair that fell right above his thick luscious eyebrows. His eyes were sea green making his thin delicate lips stand out. His eyes flickered towards me and slightly dilated, he was heading towards me. My heart rate accelerated the closer he got to when he spoke.

"Hey do you mind if I sit here". I immediately nodded my head and moved my backpack to the floor so that he would have room to sit. To absorbed in replaying what he said and how deep and smooth his voice was I didn't realize he was poking my shoulder. I quickly removed my earphones from my ears and turned towards him to hear what he had to say.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't help but notice that you were listening to Mayday Parade they are my favorite band". The butterflies in my stomach were doing backflips at what he just said and the fact that he is actually talking to me. I need to control these butterflies before they start doing the talking.

"T-tthats cool meee too . I-iii love their music" I mentally slapped myself at how stupid I was, I don't have a problem with stuttering but the effect this guy had on me could make me doing anything. It's the butterflies' fault.

"So what's your favorite song from them, mines is Miserable at best, and stay. I've actually been to one of their concerts back in Texas". I couldn't help but happy dance in my mind not only did this guy have looks that could kill, but he also has great music taste.

Before I could respond the bus made a complete stop indicating it was time for us to get off the bus. The mystery guy and I stood up at the same time to get ready to leave the bus lost in the mystery guy's face he spoke leaving me from my trance.

"Oh by the way my name is Logan". Logan brought his hand in front of me waiting for me to shake his hand. I immediately brought out my hand and shook his until I realized I never told him my name.

"My n-name is Abby". I mentally congratulated myself for only stuttering once, Logan then let go of his hand and walk with me as we exited this bus. My first class was Biology feeling it would only be polite to say goodbye to Logan I decided to say something until Logan spoke first capturing my full attention.

"So I have to go to Biology but it was nice meeting you Abby".

"I-ii have Biology too". Capturing Logan's attention he turned towards me and flashed a smile so wide it went all the way up to his eyes.

My heart accelerate a million miles per second if that made sense as Logan and I walked to our first class. In my fantasies Logan would have ran and hugged me but instead he patted me on the back hopefully that was because we just met ...

* * *

"So did you like our biology teacher, I think she has an issue with cats, maybe she's a cat lady" Logan said as he grabbed a tray from the lunch line. Our hands brushed sending tiny sparks through my hands. I quickly brought my right hand back to my side and grabbed a salad instead. The last thing I wanted to do was creep him out. Already these butterflies were out of control.

"She seems cool, besides her cat problems" I sighed in relief that I didn't stutter in front of Logan. Once I punched in my lunch number to pay for my lunch, Logan and I found a round table to set our food and sit.

"So .... do you like this school so far" I mentally gave myself a pat on the back if that's possible for not stuttering or it could be because I didn't look Logan in the eyes. Those eyes are mesmerizing, so mesmerizing you can stare in them all day. Well I wouldn't do that since I don't want to scare him away.

"It's pretty cool beats my old middle school in Texas, the teachers there had more pressing issues then cats" Logan then chuckled as he continued on with eating his sandwich. I couldn't help but notice how he used both of his hands to pick up his sandwich and slowly took a bite savoring the taste. Turning away so that I was not staring at Logan for too long, the fact that he was from Texas makes sense why he doesn't know that much people here.

"How was it in Texas .... I mean do you like it here better" I finally spoke. My curiosity won over my self control, Logan graciously put his sandwich down before he spoke.

"Well my dad was stationed in Japan but my mother wanted to stay in the states and she got a job promotion here in New York and well I like how this is a busy state. In Texas we lived in more of the rural area because my dad was stationed in Fort Worth so most of the teachers at my school were either divorced military females or retired farmers for males ... Because it was so bad I was homeschooled and going to school at the same time which didn't make any sense".

I couldn't help but think how would I feel if I was in the same situation as Logan. My parents are both engineers and I've lived in New York for all of my life, for being an only child, daddy's little girl applied to my mother as well. Finally breaking the silence Logan spoke tearing me from my thoughts.

"I like how at this school I can get a fresh start and be in a different environment start new at my old middle school I played on the football team hopefully this school has a good one". My stomach dropped at the sound of football. Before I know it, he is going to have jock friends, and forget all about me. One thing my mother has always told me is your gut is never wrong or your conscious, but I tend to ignore my conscious. You really shouldn't Abby.

 So I changed the prologue a bit for any new readers as for the reoccurring ones here's a polished version for you :).

Friendzoned, Rejected, and all the Unexpectedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें