Chapter 12

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Warning- Logabby shippers you have been warned

"Come on Abby you have to finish your homework before you can go bowling with your friends". My mom called out from downstairs. Just a few more words and I'll be done with this essay. Did I mention how much I despise taking AP English?  
"Abby dear, Logan at the door did you finish your essay". I looked back at my essay I only need a few more words that's pretty much done.  
"Yeah he can come up here". I finished typing the importance of analyzing texts until I heard Logan's cool voice.  
"Ooo someone didn't finish their essay". I chuckled and finished typing a few more words until I turned around to face Logan. For someone going out to bowl Logan sure knew how to dress nice. He had his copper hair slick back making his deep sea green eyes stand out. He was wearing a nice blue dress shirt with dark washed jeans. I looked back at my own outfit which was an ACDC shirt with dark washed jeans.  
"I thought we were going bowling". I felt heat rush to my face when I realized Logan is dressed nice, while I'm wearing my home clothes. My home clothes usually consist of band shirts and sweatpants, but I was in the mix of getting ready and finishing my essay before Logan came.  
"Change of plan, one of the guys from the football team is having a party since the season is almost over".  
"I can't wear what I'm wearing to a party". I immediately got up from my desk, and went straight to my closet to see if there was anything decent for a party.  
"What you're wearing is fine Abby". I felt the butterflies in my stomach erupt I probably should take Logan's word for it, but he is dressed like he got an Oscar. I have to at least meet that criteria.  
I continued to look through my closet until I found a pair of black leather leggings, and a red top. I was about to head t the bathroom to change until I heard Logan enter my closet.  
"What are you doing". I put the clothes I was going to wear behind my back.  
"Just going through my clothes, I actually need to change so I'm just going to go to the bathroom now". I was about to leave the closet until I felt Logan hold a grasp on my arm, and felt sparks ignite all over my arm. This is not going to be easy at all.  
"Alright we have to leave soon I'll wait downstairs". I got out of Logan's grasp of my arm, and he proceeded to go downstairs. Once I heard Logan's footsteps reach the bottom step, I quickly changed into the outfit I found.  
After getting settled, I found a pair of black pumps that completed the outfit. If only it was comfortable dressing up like this, I wouldn't mind half of the time. I look at myself on my tall mirror and felt like something was missing? I looked around my dresser until I found my favorite lip gloss, and some eyeliner.  
Once I finished applying makeup I looked back at my tall mirror and couldn't recognize the girl in front of me. I moved my hand and the girl in the mirror did the same move. Tonight I am the new Abby.  
"Abby we have to go-". Logan stopped at his tracks as he entered my room.  
"Is it too much?". I looked back at Logan who was in awe for a split moment before he changed back to his normal facade.  
"You look beautiful ... we should probably head out now". I felt the butterflies in my stomach squeal as my heart was racing so fast I stopped trying to count.  
"Abby you look so amazing" I quickly shook off thoughts from that night, and faced before me Paul. Even though it's only been a day of keeping up with this charade. I was already fed up with it. Especially since Paul was being too friendly in front of anyone that passed us by in the courtyard. 
"Okay Paul I think everyone gets it you can stop now". 
"But I meant what I said". 
"Paul stop the act we need to talk on a serious note now". 
"But I was being serious". Ever since Logan thought I liked Paul, Batman has been taking this act too seriously. 
"Look I don't know how long I can keep up with this act, maybe I should tell Logan how I feel, and hope for the best". I looked up at Paul who was in deep thought on what I was suggesting. What's the worst that can happen? 
"You should tell him". As I was about to respond to Paul, Travis made his way towards us. 
"Wow Abby you are everywhere I am guess my plan is working". I rolled my eyes and looked back at Paul who had the same annoyed expression. At least one good thing came out of our conversation. We both agreed it's time I tell Logan. 
From the distance I saw Catherine and a random guy who I have never seen before approaching us holding hands. 
"Hey Abby, Paul meet Liam his my boyfriend!". I looked at Liam who seemed a little scrawny even though he's as buff as Taylor Lautner. That takes Catherine off the list for potential girlfriends for Paul. 
"Hey Liam" Paul said while I waved at Liam hello. Travis continued to stare at the table not taking notice in the fact that Catherine is here. 
"Go on dates all the time isn't that right Liam". Catherine then sided Liam to get his attention back on what's going on. 
"Yeah she's an amazing kisser". I knew instantly that Catherine was trying to make Travis jealous who kept looking at the table or me. Which was starting to make me feel uncomfortable. Might as well help Catherine try to make Travis jealous. 
"So how did you and Liam met". Paul beat me to the punch by asking he question I was thinking of asking. Maybe Paul really is psychic. 
Liam started off by answering Paul's question. "Well ... I was in the bookstore here in Columbia looking for books on dogs ..." 
"And we clicked on our love for dogs, and it was love at first dog talk" Catherine finished off. I looked back at Travis who seemed to be a tad annoyed which was making me happy. Maybe he's just making up this stuff about having feelings for me. Which couldn't make me any more happier. 
"Aw that's so sweet you should sit down with us, and tell us more about your love story" I suggested. 
"Excuse me I have to go". Travis then got up and left while Catherine and Liam took seats in front of Paul and I. 
"Do you think he was jealous". Catherine asked while Liam was enjoying his sandwich. 
"It was pretty evident that it ticked Travis off which means things are looking good" Paul finished off as he took out his notebook. 
"How did you two really meet" I asked. If they really meet at 'love at first dog talk' shouldn't they be more lovey? 
"That is how we met, I thought it was love at first dog talk or sight ... Catherine is really pretty". Liam stared at Catherine after he finished his spiel. Catherine smiled at Liam before she began to continue eating her sandwich. 
"So how did you two meet was it love at first sight". I felt my breath become uneasy as I was choking on air and water. Where did Liam get the idea that Paul and I were dating from? I put my hands up as I felt the water I just drank was still clogged in my throat. I felt arms envelope around my waist, and tried to stop me from choking. 
After a few more tries my throat was cleared up, and I sighed in relief that it all stopped. I looked around to find Liam, Catherine, and Paul above me checking if I was okay. I looked behind me to find Paul's arms still enveloped around my waist. I didn't care at that moment because he did save my life, but it won't change the fact that I choked because of a question relating to that. 
"Abby are you okay". I didn't pay attention to who asked and just nodded my head, and tried to forget about what just happened. I felt a new pair of arms snake around my waist causing instant flutters from my chest. 
"She should get some rest I'll take her back to her dorm room". I knew instantly that the new voice was Logan which explains the change in my heart rate. 
"I can always take her back to her dorm, but if you insist". I then felt Paul's arms escape my waist, and Logan's wrap around mine fully. 
I felt my body being lifted from the ground, and found myself in front of me Logan's chest. I felt my hands start to numb due how close Logan and I were. 
"Logan ... what are you doing". The image of Paul, Liam, and Catherine were out of view as I was now being carried. 
"You just choked and I read an article that after someone chokes they need to be carried back to bed and rest". This moment would have been perfect if it weren't for the fact that I was being carried on a college campus, and Paul wasn't here to make jokes. 
"I have to read this article one day ... I can walk on my own". Just let him keep carrying you. You know you love this.  
"Okay no more talking, I also read that once someone chokes it's like an earthquake, we don't want an aftershock". I kept quiet and enjoyed being carried, and being this close to Logan. 

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