Chapter 10

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"Abby you missed a spot right there". I huffed in annoyance as I scrubbed even harder trying to get this coffee stain off the carpet. Why couldn't this stain come out?! I used as much force as I could trying to see if that would help get rid of the big blob in the middle of the Café. Which only seemed to get bigger.

"Um ... I think the stain is getting worse" I stated to my manager Emily. Since Logan was gone this week, and girls can't join fraternities or go on field trips with them, I decided to work at the Café to get my mind off of Logan.

Emily came out from the storage room to examine the stain that had grown due to my excessive scrubbing.

"We can just get some kind of chemical, and put it on the stain to see if that works". I rolled my eyes at Emily's comment. What did she think I was doing this past half-hour? I got up from the stain to go to the storage closet, and find more chemicals.

The stench of Windex filled my noses causing me to feel a little dizzy. I fumbled through until I could find a light switch to make my way through this storage closet.

After fumbling through I finally managed to feel the hinges of the light switch, and flipped the switch. I immediately coughed from how stacked up the brooms, and cobwebs were. Did anyone ever go in this storage closet? I pinched my nose furthermore blocking the stench of Windex with a hint of leather. How old is this Café? I shook the thought off as I kept walking deeper into the closet.

I stopped at my tracks at the sight of what looked like a box. I picked up the object only to find it covered with dust, after blowing the fragments of dust off the object was a picture frame. I turned it over to find the same sea green eyes I haven't seen in over a day. Logan and two co-workers were serving coffee with smiles on their faces. Why would they have this on a picture frame? Logan's smile reached his eyes which made he so carefree.

Why didn't I disguise myself as a guy so I could have been with Logan? The sorority girls were going on a similar trip, and meet up with the guys at the end of the week. I continued to gaze at the picture until I heard my manager holler my name.

"Abby ... never mind you get off shift soon see you tomorrow". I glanced at my watch I still had another half an hour to work. I looked back down at the picture in front of me Logan said he would call. I placed the picture frame on a nice little shelf, a picture like this shouldn't have dust, and not been seen.

I walked back in the Café to find Paul waiting for me by the cashier, and I instantly missed Logan even more. Six days is too long.

"Hey Aquagirl I was going to ask if you wanted to go explore Times Square for a bit to get your mind off of Logan ... I could also do some coaching on the way". Growing up in New York I've pretty much seen it all from Buffalo to the Hamptons there isn't a part of New York I haven't been in or seen.

"Uh sure let me just clock out". I mentally slapped myself as I made my way to the Cafe's computer. I just had to be too nice. Maybe going out will have time go by faster until seven.

After I clocked out I was met by Paul's eager jumping, and blabbering on how excited he is to tour Times Square.

"You work in Times Square ... how is any of this exciting for you" I asked as Paul, and I made our way outside of the Café, and started walking towards the Metro.

"I grew up in Oregon where everyone knew their neighbors, and everything was so slow pace. I love how fast pace everything is in Times Square it will never get old for me". I nodded at Paul's comment as we approached the mass flood of people in Times Square.

Yellow taxi's cabs, the bright lights, and lastly the high rise buildings met with people enjoying themselves over sightseeing the big apple.

"So what are we going to do". As beautiful as Times Square is my mind kept wandering to Logan, and what's he's doing in the woods.

Friendzoned, Rejected, and all the Unexpectedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن