102. Another Girl||Fluff

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He wrinkled his nose when I called him Newtie. I knew he didn’t like it, but I loved the faces he made everytime I used that nickname. He never complained to me, though.

“I’m on my break” He squeezed me against him, and I could hear the smile in his voice. “I’m the bloody second in command after all, love”

I pulled away from him and gave him a peck on the lips. Then I stared at him, his deep brown eyes staring back with a twinkle in them.

“When you’re done in the Kitchen we could take a walk and-“ He was cut by the sound of a loud noise. The Greenie alarm.

We looked at each other in surprise. We knew someone was to come in the Box that month, and that day. But we didn’t expect it so soon. It was only an hour from the wake-up.

Newt gave me a quick hug and a kiss in the forehead before turning around and limping in a hurry towards the Box.

I calmly took off my apron and put it over a chair before I started walking towards the crowd of Gladers that had gathered to welcome the new Greenbean. It was nothing special really, another boy asking what was happening, where he was and why he couldn’t remember anything.

When I arrived, I looked over the shoulders of my fellow Gladers. I could barely see Newt inside the Box, but I couldn’t see the Greenie. He probably passed out on the way up.

“What is it, Newt?” Someone asked him, and I sensed something strange in the environment. Everyone was restless, why? What was different from the rest of the times a Greenie came up?

“It’s another girl” Newt’s voice sounded startled.

I opened my eyes wide and made my way to the front to get a better view, pushing the boys that didn’t move.

Then I saw it clearly. 

Newt was standing there, looking up at us with a puzzled expression in his attractive face. And lying in the hard metal ground of the Box was a girl, unconscious.

On the one hand, I was glad that a girl arrived. Being surrounded by only males was not always fun. But on the other hand, my instinct told me having another girl in the Glade wouldn’t be a good thing and it would only make things more complicated.

Some days had passed since the girl came up in the Box. She had arrived in a coma, but she recovered thanks to Clint and Jeff. But sadly, they weren’t the only ones who were with her all the time. Newt was.

No wonder, that girl was something else.

Her name was Teresa, and her looks haunted me. She was incredibly pretty, with long dark hair that always looked perfect. Her blue eyes were beautiful and her fair skin was perfect as well. Not to mention how fit she was. Teresa was perfect, and I was so jealous of her.

Not only jealous, but self-conscious too. I was so ordinary… I had nothing to do compared with Teresa.

I couldn’t blame Newt for spending more time with her than with me. Why would he choose me over her?

And although it bothered me that all the boys in the Glade seemed to be going head over heels for her, I was afraid to lose Newt.

I was sitting before the entrance of the Maze, staring at its insides in deep thought. A tiny little voice in my head was telling me that it all would be easier if I just ran inside to forget about everything. But the logical part of my brain said it was the stupidest thought that had ever occurred to me, and I decided to listen to this last part.

It was dark, and the Doors would close in around twenty minutes. I stood up, because I knew Minho would be coming back soon and didn’t really feel like talking to him. He was one of my closest friends in the Glade, and would notice something was off with me in a second.

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum