Tell him you need time to think. You probably want to be with him because you don't want to feel let down by yet another dude, but it's just gonna hurt your soul more and more everyday if you stay with him. You don't deserve that, Jay.

But maybe I do, Jay. My life has been a living hell since I was born. I've gone to accept that every bad thing that happens to me is what I deserve. I'm honestly just so tired of it all. I don't want to live if I have to live like this.

That last sentence was exactly how I began feeling at one point. I honestly felt like I had no one. AJay doesn't really have anyone who can understand her pain. Maybe that's why we instantly clicked. I want to make her feel less lonely in this world. Even if she doesn't have anyone else she can turn to, I want her to know that she has me.

Please don't feel like that. You are still in this world because you are meant to be. Promise me that you won't do anything to change that.

"Jahmir, what are you doing?" Kaelynn asked as she came over to me. She had two bags full of makeup in her hands, so I'm assuming she found everything she was looking for.

I was literally just standing beside the door. I guess it looked weird because a few people were staring at me.

"Oh. Umm I was just texting AJay."

At first I didn't want to tell Kaelynn about AJay. I didn't want to say anything just because I know how she can get. She automatically went into defense mode, but I was finally able to convince her that AJay is only a friend. She really is. I have a chance to make someone feel a little less lonely, so I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. I don't have any bad intentions, and I don't actually have anything to hide, so that's what made me want to tell Kaelynn.

"Wow, her texts sure do have you deeply occupied. That's probably who you spend all your evenings with."

There she goes! She finally let go of that fake, carefree persona she's been trying to put on. If she wasn't cool with me having a female friend, she should have already said it. That would have been a big debate though. She's all buddy buddy with Eric, but I can't have a friend? This nigga literally goes to Celita's salon just to see her sometimes. If I was insecure I'd think they had something going on, but I honestly don't feel that way.

"Well sometimes I do go to the gym she works at, but that's just for like an hour out the day. You know I detail cars at pops auto shop after school. I'm on his payroll and everything."

Lately pops has been changing. I've already been suspicious about if he was actually going to the dealership as much as he claimed to be, and he really hasn't been. After credit recovery, I was able to get out of getting a replacement class, so I get to leave school an hour early. The past few days when I've tried to surprise pops, he hasn't been there. When I ask him about his day, he always lies and say he spend hours upon hours at the dealership. Perhaps he just has a new friend and he just doesn't wanna tell me because of how things went with that evil bitch.

Kaelynn simply walked by me without saying anything. I shrugged my shoulders then walked out the mall. I found my car and put all my things in the trunk before getting in. She didn't come out after me, so I assume she went in another store.

I was about to call pops and ask him if he was home yet, but AJay texted me back.

That's a promise I can't keep.

Don't do that. 😞

Jahmir you don't understand. I'm at my wits end.

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