Yokai Carnival (Part VII)

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He didn't wait for an answer though. He got back on his ride and ordered it to move above the edges of the carnival. He had a feeling, she was going to be somewhere there since he didn't expect a hospital wing to be here anywhere. He spotted s dark, long haired Yokai sitting in a blue, snowy ball gown. There was Tsurara! Sitting in the wilderness of trees and bushes with her head resting on her knees. He jumped off his ride, not even waiting for it to land on the ground. He almost landed on top of her, if not for the branch he hit and landed beside her.

Feeling the familiar fear of someone familiar, Tsurara looked up and golden met crimson, what a perfect combination.

"Rikuo-sama" she whispered. Rikuo sat down with his legs crossed, facing towards Tsurara's side. She was looking curiously at him. He leaned in, just inches away from her face.

"Are you alright?" it came out as a hoarse whisper sending chills on Tsurara's spinal chord.

"Y-yes... Master Rikuo-sama" her face was flushed.

He leaned further making her even more uncomfortable. Tsurara sat still with bated breath, as she could feel his breath right next to her ear. After a few minutes, Rikuo's head collided with hers which made Tsurara hitch her body straight with a startle. Her hands flew to her sides, holding her weight on the ground. But to her surprise, her left arm landed on something soft. Thinking it might be a small yokai she turned to her left and had nearly yelped if she hadn't covered her mouth in time. Rikuo's forehead was collided with hers, his eyes closed, his nose touching hers and their lips separated from the gap of her hands. He groaned when he had felt her move. He opened his eyes with a frown on his face.

"What is it Tsurara?"

"I...I'm sorry Rikuo-sama! I am really sorry! I shouldn't have...I thought it was a yokai... but it.. turned out... to be your... your lap...I am so sorry!" her face was as red as a tomato could get. Too bad, she could be seen even in darkness and to that the moon's light shone over her face.

"You are heated up Tsurara, you have a fever or something?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around her and pushed her into him (completely ignoring her constant apologies... wonder if he is doing it purposely?), straightening her legs so she could face him without difficulty. "You are burning indeed..." Rikuo said with a worrisome expression. Tsurara couldn't reply. Her voice wouldn't come out at all but she somehow managed to speak...

"H-How is... K-Kana?" she stuttered as she tried to breathe fresh air but was unable to because of the close proximity between them, which forced her to breathe in his sent, not that she minded it.

"I left her at the station and asked her to go back home..." he whispered softly. "It'll be too dangerous for them to be here."

She nodded.

"Now, now, haven't your human friends taught you to keep your hands away from others possession?"


"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well I just came here to see if my childhoodfriendwas doing well"

"I can take care of her. She is in my Hyaki"

"Whatever it may be, it doesn't give you the right to seduce her"

Tsurara face started to give out steam while Rikuo's face flushed with anger.

"I. Wasn't. Seducing. Her." Rikuo's nostrils flared.

"So then you might be her boyfriend or fiance? Which I don't believe you are"

"What if I am?" the words flooded from his mouth in anger before he noticed.

Tsurara froze. Her heart was banging against her chest as if trying to get free from the cage.


Her heart pounded against her chest even harder.

"Then what were you doing with that human girl? Oh don't tell me you have a harem!" Kazuma sneered.

"She is a friend of mine and I was just keeping her away from danger!" Rikuo hissed back.

"St-Stop" Tsurara called feebly.

"No, I don't think so! I suppose you are cheating on my girl... anyway aren't you now an adult? Why don't you marry her than? If you love her so much that is" Kazuma glared.

"Who are you to say anything? You haven't met her in 15 fucking years!"

"I am still her-"

"STOP! " a rush of cold air bristled their hair.

Even though her scream made her seem confident, even though the scream actually was confident, a sudden rush of fear swept through her.

What have I just done, I have no right to stop anything my master is doing! He may as well go marry that Kana, I can not protest!

She was panicking until a smooth and familiar hand this oftly completely ignoring Kazuma who was trying his best not to pounce on him like an angry lion ready to kill his enemy.

"Tsurara don't you want to spend some time? We haven't seen each other for years!"

"I'm sorry Kazuma... but I must follow my master's orders and anyway... he is right... it's nearly end of the carnival... we must leave before any human wakes up"

"You can't just leave! Tsurara I don't think you know but carnival isn't over yet. The duel is still left and from how much Setsura-sama told me, this man's grandfather never leaves without participating but since he is far experienced so young ones don't have a change against him, he is not allowed to participate this year but I know one thing for sure that he will stay to see at least"

As if on cue, Rikuo's grandad came humming happily as he joined the trio.

"Rikuo! I have a good news. I just signed you in for the duel!"

Kazuma's mouth twitched into a smirk.

"That's great. It seems I am your opponent Rikuo"

"You're entering too Kazuma? Oh that's great. I give you my word though, my grandson is going to defeat you" the old men left after putting the burden on his son's shoulder.

"So who are you participating with?" Kazuma asked.

"What do you mean?" Rikuo glowered.

"Just that in a duel you have to fight with your subordinate, someone who is in your Hyaki or your spouse or may even be a best friend"

"Oh then who are you entering with?"

Kazuma chuckles.

"Do you think I would tell you when you haven't even chose the one you are entering with?"

I'll show him!

Both of them were thinking the same thing, well almost the same, they aren't twins after all.

When Kazuma wanted to punch the man in front of him, Rikuo wanted to just wipe the smirk off his face and never let him look at Tsurara.

Nura: The Rise of the Yokai Clan (Rikou Nura x Oikawa Tsurara)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя